Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Pacific States
California Livermore

Livermore, California

Livermore was incorporated in 1876.

The Arroyo Mocho Water Company was organized in 1873 primarily for irrigation, but it distributed water through the town using wooden pipes.  The water had a high hydrogen sulfide content and little pressure, and the company failed.

The Livermore Spring Water Company built a water system in 1876.

The Livermore Water & Power Company built completing works in 1896, and may have bought the Livermore Spring Water Company which was shortly thereafter out of business..

The Livermore Water and Power Company was purchased by Pacific Gas and Electric Company in 1913, which turned over the water supply component to California Water Service Company in 1927. California Water Service was the sole municipal water supplier until the Springtown development in the 1960s necessitated creation of the Livermore municipal water supply to jointly provide water service in the City with California Water Service

Water is provided by the California Water Service Company and the City of Livermore.

1888 "Livermore," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 1.

1890 "Livermore," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 2.

1891 Memorial And Biographical History Of Northern California
Pages 308-309:  Livermore Spring Water Company. — This company was incorporated in 1874 by John Aylward, Robert Livermore, Valentine Alviso, Michael Mullanay, Charles Hedzal and W. Gibbons. The first officers elected were: John Aylward, president; W. Gibbons, secretary; and Robert Livermore, treasurer. The first board of directors consisted of Messrs. Hedzal, Aylward, Livermore, Alviso and Mullanay. In 1876 a mortgage upon the company's plant was given for the purpose of obtaining ready means for prosecuting the work, and it was foreclosed and bought in by John Aylward in 1885, since which time he has been sole proprietor.
The water used in this system is obtained from two sources — the Arroyo Mocho and the Los Positos Springs. The point on the Mocho from which water is taken is about three miles from Livermore, giving a fall of 125 feet. The Los Positos Springs are about two and a half miles from town, and this gives a fall amply sufficient for all purposes. Water is conveyed to the city through iron pipes of the best construction, and over ten miles of piping are used in the entire system, which supplies the life-giving fluid for all domestic as well as fire purposes in Livermore. Much credit is due Mr. Aylward for the active interest he has taken ever since becoming connected with the water company, in the matter of improving its facilities.

1891 "Livermore," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 3.

1897 "Livermore," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 4.

© 2021 Morris A. Pierce