Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Pacific States
California North San Juan

North San Juan, California

North San Juan was settled in 1850.

A small system built in 1860 by A.J. Elder, which proved inadequate and was expanded by voluntary contributions in 1862, after which it was owned by Alfred Newton Crane and by his widow Annie after his death in 1894.  In May, 1875, the North San Juan Irrigating Company installed iron pipes and built a larger reservoir.  These works were leased to Crane.  The system was abandoned sometime before 1920 and taken over by William E. Bradbury.  In 1926 the owner is listed as Mrs. Annie Bradbury, his widow.  It is not known when the system stopped operating.

There is currently no public water supply in North San Juan.

1861 Mountain Messenger, October 18, 1862.  Reprinted in The History of the Gold Discoveries in the Northern Mines of California's Mother Lode Gold Belt: As Told by the Newspapers and Miners, 1848-1875, by Lewis John Swindle, Page 294.
Water Works at North San Juan - The people of North San Juan have built water works to be used with hydraulic hose in case of accident by fire.  The work are a success, throwing a stream 407 feet perpendicularly and 167 feet horizontally, through one inch nozzle with mere hydraulic pressure.

1867 Bean's History and Directory of Nevada County, California: Containing a Complete History of the County, with Sketches of the Various Towns and Mining Camps
Page 337:  North San Juan possess a well organized Fire Department, with excellent facilities for the extinguishment of fires.  In the summer of 1862, a fund was creaed by the voluntary contributions of citizens for the erection of waterworks for this purpose, and on August 18th, of that year, Messrs. Charles Schardin, W.H. Sears, and I.T. Saxby were elected trustees to carry out the work; George D. Dornia being clerk to the board.  A reservoir, supplied from the Eureka Lake Ditch, was built at a sufficient elevation, with pipes of large capacity, supplying hydrants at convenient points.

1880 History of Nevada County, California
Page 61:  In 1860, A. J. Elder constructed water works to supply a portion of the town with water. The source of supply was a spring three-fourths of a mile from the town, but the supply was found inadequate to meet the demand.  In 1862, voluntary contributions were made by the citizen for the construction of a reservoir.  Charles Schardin, W.H. Sears and I.T. Saxby were elected a Board of Trustees to construct the reservoir; George D. Dornin was clerk of the Board.  The reservoir was built and the water supply derived from the Eureka Lake Ditch, the old pipes being relayed to the reservoir. A M. Crane is the present owner of this property.
In May, 1875, the North San Juan Irrigating Co. was organized for the purpose of laying down iron pipes to supply the people of the town with water for irrigating and household uses. On July 4, 1875, the work was completed and the water admitted to the pipes. The cost of the entire work was $3,200.  The water is taken from the Milton Ditch, about one- fourth of a mile south of the town.  At Main street, where the pipes connect, the pressure is 160 feet, and on San Francisco street about 80 feet.  The officers of the company are: — A.B. Swan, President; J.H. Brown, Secretary; P.H. Butler, Treasurer; O. P. Stidger, Superintendent. The works are now leased to A. M. Crane, who is the owner of the old works.

1891 "North San Juan," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 3.

1894 Alfred Newton Crane

1897 "North San Juan," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 4.

1898 "Francis Smith & Co.'s Interesting Exhibit," San Francisco Call, February 6, 1898, Page 16.
One of the Most Striking Displays to Be Seen at the Mining Fair. Probably the most interesting exhibit at the Mining Fair is the actual representation of hydraulicking in the North Bloomfield Gravel Mine, in Nevada County, to be seen at the extreme western end of the pavilion upstairs.  The sheet iron riveted pipe, used in this representation, is from the works of Francis Smith & Co., 130 Beale street, which company was established forty-three years ago at North San Juan, Nevada County, by Francis Smith, and he it was who constructed the first line of riveted sheet iron pipe used for hydraulicking purposes in California, and the line of pipe, 1800 feet long, is in use to-day.

1921 "In the matter of the application of W.E. Bradbury for permission to collect water rates," December 30, 1921, California Public Utilities Commission.
System was acquired by Mr. Bradury in February, 1920, after it had been abandoned by the former owner. 
The water supply is purchased from Northern Water and Power Company.  About 13 companies are supplied with water for domestic use.

1922 William Bradbury

1923 Report of the Railroad Commission of the State of California
Page 667:  North San Juan Water System. W. E. Bradbury, North Sun Juan, California

1924 North San Juan Water System, Inventory of the Public Utilities Commission. Annual Reports of Utilities Records: Part I, Also 1925.

1926 Annual Report of the Public Utilities Commission of California
Page 635:  North San Juan Water System. Mrs. Annie Bradbury, North San Juan, California.

1985 Anneva Mildred Bradbury Hodges

© 2018 Morris A. Pierce