Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
New England States Connecticut Newtown

Newtown, Connecticut

Newtown was first settled in 1711.

The Newtown Aqueduct Company was formed by articles of agreement on March 8, 1800.   began service in 1800, delivering water from a spring on Abel Botsford's land to the houses of the owners since March, 1800.  By 1803, the original wooden pipes had become unserviceable and the owners planned to replace them with new pipes of wood, lead, or iron.  They petitioned for incorporation in October, 1803.

The Newtown Aqueduct Company was incorporated in October, 1803 by Daniel Burham, Ziba Blakeslee, James Glover, Oliver Bancroft, Stephen Burwell, James Stilson, Michael Parks, David Baldwin, and John Botsford, all of Newtown in Fairfield County, and Polly Starr of Danbury in said County, for the purpose of conveying Water to the dwelling Houses of the Petitioners and others. .

On February 8, 1893, George W. Botsford, representative of Newtown, petitioned the Connecticut House of Representatives for an amending to the charter of the Newtown Aqueduct Company, which was withdrawn on April 20th. (House Petition 173)

The Newtown Water Company was incorporated on May 18, 1893 by Michael J. Houlihan, Daniel W. Kissam, Julius W. Knowlton, Charles H. Northrop, Smith P. Glover, Isaac W. Harris, Thomas H. Madigan, and William H. Glover, with all such persons as may hereafter associate with them, for the purpose of supplying the borough and town of Newtown and vicinity with pure water for public, domestic, and other uses,  This charter was modified in June, 1905 to extend the time to form the entity, and this was completed in March, 1906.  The company built a reservoir supplied by pumping water from a nearby pond.

The Newtown Water Company was purchased by the General Waterworks Corporation of Philadelphia in February, 1994 for $60,000.  General Waterworks in turn was purchased by United Water Resources, Inc. in April, 1994 for $200 million, and this entity was purchased in 2000 by Suez Lyonnaise des Eaux in a deal valued at $1.02 billion.  Newtown and other Connecticut properties were sold to Aquarion Water in 2012, which currently supplies water to most of Newtown.

Water service to the Fairfield Hills Campus is provided by the Town of Newtown Water and Sewer Authority.

1803 Petition of Newtown Aqueduct Corporation, October 1803

1803 Resolve incorporating Newton Aqueduct Company, October 1803

1893 Incorporating the Newtown Water Company, May 18, 1893

1905 Amending the Charter and extending the time of the Newtown Water Company, June 13, 1905

1917 Newtown Water Company from Newtown's History and Historian, Ezra Levan Johnson, by Ezra Levan Johnson, Jane Eliza Camp Johnson

© 2015 Morris A. Pierce