History of District Heating in the United States

| Chronological List of District Heating Systems in the United States |

District Heating in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania

The Lock Haven illuminating, power and heat company was organized in 1884 and built a system that began operating in 1884.

The system was shut down around 1917, probably due to the high cost of coal.

1892  Past and Present of Clinton County
The Lock Haven illuminating, power and heat company was organized in 1884, with John W. Smith as president, and C. M. O'Connor as secretary and treasurer. In 1885 Joseph Grafflus was elected secretary and treasurer, which position he still holds. The plant is located on the corner of Bald Kagle and Corning streets. Four 100-horse power engines are used for furnishing heat. The present officers and directors are as follows: John W. Smith, president; Joseph Graffius, secretary and treasurer; John W. Smith, F. S. Johnson, C. S. McCormick, C. M. O'Connor, F. M. Fields, Wilson Kistler, J. A. Wilson and J. Schuyler, Jr.

1917 "Quit Heating Account High Price of Coal," The Allentown Leader, September 22, 1917, Page 7.
It is understood similar action is being taken by the Steam Heating Company at Lock Haven, Pa.

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