Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Northwestern States
Iowa Marengo

Marengo, Iowa

Marengo was as a city in 1859.

The city built a small fire protection system in 1875 and more complete water system in 1895.

Water is provided by the city of Marengo.

1881 The History of Iowa County, Iowa
Pages 510-511:  Marengo Water-Works.
As a fire extinguisher the Marengo water-works is a grand feature in the city.  The expense, which has been about$10,000, was met partly by subscription and partly by issuing bonds.
The water is obtained at the mill near the foot of Green Street, and conducted through the city by means of six  inch pipe around the square, and a four inch pipe from thence to the depot. The pipes are laid five and a half feet deep in the center of the  streets. When there is cause for use the machinery of the pump, which is in a little brick house near the mill, is coupled with the shaft connected with the powerful turbine wheel used in the mill, the pumps are set in motion and the water all along the pipes receives a pressure of 300 pounds to the square inch, sufficient to throw four large streams of water at the same time a hundred feet high.  This is always in readiness for the cry of "fire." In addition to this precaution there are two hose companies and a hook and ladder company, as has been mentioned.

1882 Marengo, from Engineering News 9:131 (April 22,  1882)

1882 Marengo from "The Water-Supply of Certain Cities and Towns of the United States," by Walter G. Elliot, C. E., Ph. D.

1885 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Marengo, Iowa County, Iowa. October 1885

1888 "Marengo," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 1.

1890 "Marengo," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 2.

1891 "Marengo," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 3.

1892 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Marengo, Iowa County, Iowa. April 1892

1897 "Marengo," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 4.

1898 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Marengo, Iowa County, Iowa. October 1898

1906 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Marengo, Iowa County, Iowa. March 1906

1911 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Marengo, Iowa County, Iowa. December 1911

1922 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Marengo, Iowa County, Iowa. June 1922

1933 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Marengo, Iowa County, Iowa. July 1933

1942 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Marengo, Iowa County, Iowa. April 1942

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