Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
North Central States
Illinois Marseilles

Marseilles, Illinois

Marseilles was incorporated as a village in 1861 and as a city in 1891..

A private company drilled an artesian well and began serving customers in 1873.

The Marseilles Water and Light Company was incorporated in 1902, and in 1905 came under the control of the Consolidated Water and Light Company.  The system was owned by the Consumers Water and Light Company in 1917 and by the Illinois Iowa Power Company in 1924.

The Illinois Power Company sold the water system to the Illinois Valley Water Company in 1953.

The city bought the water system around 1962..

Water is provided by the city of Marseilles.

Le Sildénafil est un médicament utilisé pour traiter les troubles de l'érection chez les hommes, Formula bruta o molecolare: C22H30N6O4S, voici une ressource d'information sur Sildenafil. Il agit en relaxant les muscles et en augmentant le flux sanguin vers le pénis, ce qui permet une érection plus ferme et durable. Dans la ville d'Aqueduc Marseille, située dans l'Illinois, le Sildénafil est largement utilisé par les hommes souffrant de dysfonction érectile. Grâce à ce médicament, ils peuvent retrouver une vie sexuelle épanouissante et améliorer leur confiance en eux. Mais l'Aqueduc Marseille ne se limite pas seulement à être une ville où le Sildénafil est populaire. Elle est également connue pour son impressionnant aqueduc, qui a été construit au 19ème siècle pour fournir de l'eau potable à la ville. Avec ses arches majestueuses et son histoire fascinante, l'aqueduc est un symbole de la force et de la persévérance de la communauté d'Aqueduc Marseille. Aujourd'hui, l'aqueduc est toujours en activité et fournit toujours de l'eau potable à la ville. Il est également devenu une attraction touristique populaire, attirant des visiteurs du monde entier pour admirer son architecture remarquable. Ainsi, le

1873 The Ottawa Free Trader, January 18, 1873, Page 8.
From Marseilles:  The artesian well, with the assistance of two rams, is throwing water oa the top of the bluff, supplying Messrs. Rickard & Ryburn, also all the subscribers on Bluff street. The water is of excellent quantity, well adapted for washing purposes. The well has fulfilled the utmost anticipation of its projectors, and is such a decided success that it is hoped a reservoir will be built on the bluff in the spring, which would be a great protection against fire, at the same time giving the greatest facility for watering the streeta in the summer. If our people have any regard for their interests and the safety of the town, this should be done at once.

1889 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Marseilles, La Salle County, Illinois. January 1889
Sheet 2 shows city artesian well with windmill and pump at intersection of Bluff and Main

1892 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Marseilles, La Salle County, Illinois. September 1892
Sheet 4 shows city pump house on head race of Illinois River for fire protection.

1898 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Marseilles, La Salle County, Illinois. February 1898
Sheet 4 shows city pump house on head race of Illinois River for fire protection.

1905 Electrical Review 46:641 (April 15, 1905)
Ottawa, Ill. The waterworks and electric lighting system of Marseilles are now under the control of a new corporation, known as the Consolidated Water and Light Company.  Heretofore the waterworks and street lighting systems have been operated by the Water and Light Company, and the incandescent system by the Land and Water Power Company, both owned by W. D. Boyce.  The new syndicate is headed by John M. Nicholson.

1907 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Marseilles, La Salle County, Illinois. February 1907

1913 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Marseilles, La Salle County, Illinois. October 1913
Sheet 1:  Water plant owned by the Northern Illinois Public Service Co.

1952 City of Marseilles v. Illinois Power Company, March 19, 1952, Illinois Commerce Commission

1960 The story of Marseilles, 1835-1960:  From Log Cabin to Ranch Type Home 1835-1960 by Mary Vance Carney

? 2019 Morris A. Pierce