Introduction | Historical Background | Chronology | Geography | Biography | Technology | Ownership and Financing | General Bibliography |
Central States |
Illinois | Moline |
Moline was incorporated as a city in 1872.
The city granted a 30-year water works franchise to the Moline Water Power Company in 1874, but the project was not pursued for unknown reasons.
The city then built a small water works system in 1877 by installing a pump that used steam from boilers at the Dimock, Gould & Co. saw mill. Water was distributed to hydrants for fire protection and made available to private customers.
A more complete city-owned water works was planned in 1883, but the city did not have the financial resources itself and contracted with the Moline Water-Works Company, which had been incorporated in November 1883 by Samuel, Thomas and John Davis. This system began service on January 1, 1884.
The city of Moline bought the water system from the Davis brothers on July 1, 1886.
Water is provided by the city of Moline.
1873 "Water Works
Wanted," The Moline Review (June 20, 1873, Page 3.
1874 "Moline
Water Works," The Daily Argus, January 7, 1874, Page 4.
On Saturday evening last, the long-disputed question of supplying our
sister city of Moline with a system of water works was agreed upon by a
meeting of the city council of that place. A franchise was granted
to the Moline Water Power Company, consisting of Charles H. Deere, John M.
Gould, Charles Atkinston, their associates and assigns. By its terms
they have the exclusive privilege for thirty year, and an equal right
thereafter with all others, of supplying the city of Moline with
water. The franchise compels the water power company, before the
first day of July, 1875, to lay 5,000 feet of main pipe, the same distance
the succeeding year, and an equal distance the third year.
1878 "Water
Works," The Moline Review, January 4, 1878, Page 4.
Haveen laid down in this city the past season, the pipes running from J.S.
Keator & Son's Mill to Main street, thence to Lynde and Rodman avenue,
and down to Deere & Co.'s shops, up the two latter streets to Illinois
steet, then down to Division street, as far west as Deere, Mansur &
Co.'s shops, and east to Moline Wagon Company. Thomas Yates has donw
the job in an excellent and through manner, taking the contract at
$5,500. Hydrants have been placed at frequent intervals along the
line, the mains have been tapped for private parties, and Dimock, Gould
& Co. furnish the steam pressure, which can be added to by the immense
force pumps of Deere & Co., Moline Plow Company, and the Union
Malleable Iron Works, in case of fire.
1878 "The Water Works," The Moline Review, April 12, 1878, Page 6.
1881 "The
Proposed Water Works," The Moline Review-Dispatch, July 29,
1881, Page 8.
M. A. Gould's Plan and Estimates.
1882 Moline, Engineering News, 9:123 (April 15, 1882)
1882 Moline from "The Water-Supply of Certain Cities and Towns of the United States," by Walter G. Elliot, C. E., Ph. D.
1883 "Licensed to
Corporate," Daily Illinois State Journal, November 26, 1883, Page
Articles of incorporation filed November 24.
Moline Water Works Company; capital stock $25,000; incorporators, Samuel
S. Davis, Thomas B. Davis and John B. Davis.
1884 "The
Water Works," The Moline Review-Dispatch, January 1, 1844,
Page 5.
The little engine at the new water works is doing nobly; supply the city
with without without the lease trouble in the world.
1884 "The Large Pump Started," The Moline Review-Dispatch, February 29, 1884, Page 10.
1886 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois. January 1886
1886 "Water
Works Plant," The Moline Review-Dispatch, June 17, 1886,
Page 4.
Being turned over to the city by Davis & Co. July 1st.
1886 "The Water Works Test," The Moline Review-Dispatch, June 28, 1886, Page 4.
1888 Three
cities: Davenport, Rock Island, and Moline, by Benjamin
Franklin Tillinghast
Page 59: The Water-Works.
Moline has its complete system of water-works, ample for fire protection,
household, and general purposes. The works were built in 1883 by Davis
& Co., who operated them as a private enterprise till July 1, 1886,
when they were bought by the city. They are located at the foot of
Seventeenth street, and represent a judicious outlay of $100,000.00. There
are eleven miles of mains and distributing pipes, and 138 lire-hydrants,
covering every point within the city limits. The pumping-station is 60 by
45 feet, of brick. Three Deane engines are used — one of 1,500,000 gallons
capacity, and two each of 500,000 gallons pumping capacity every
twenty-four hours. There is an inlet pipe furnishing the water which is
over half a mile in length, and extends from the cistern, which is also a
settling-basin, out into the channel of the Mississippi river, where the
water is uncontaminated. A recent test has proved that ten good fire
streams can be thrown a distance of 200 feet. In case of need, the engines
of three of the largest factories in the city can be utilized to
supplement the water-works, thus assuring fire protection. During 1887 the
works pumped over 220,000,000 gallons of water. Fred Alsterlund is chief
1888 "Moline," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 1.
1890 "Moline," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 2.
1891 "Moline," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 3.
1892 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois. January 1892
1897 "Moline," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 4.
1898 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois. August 1898
1906 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois. July 1906
1908 Historic
Rock Island County: History of the Settlement of Rock Island County
from the Earliest Known Period to the Present Time
Pages 153-154: Moline Water-Works Department.
The City of Moline has an unusually good water works system (the supply
coming from the Mississippi River), consisting of a pumping station and
filtering plant, and thirty-five miles of street water mains, with three
hundred and twenty-five city fire hydrants, fifty private hydrants, and
two hundred and. forty-five valves. The number of gallons of water
filtered during the year ending April 1, 1908, amounted to 988,419,230
gallons, or 2,700,598 gallons per day. The total number of gallons of
water pumped to the City of Moline for the said year was 949,711,378
gallons, being a daily consumption of 2,594,-839 gallons, being a daily
increase over the previous year of 151,792 gallons. They have 3,250
service taps, making an average of 831 gallons of water per day. to each
tap, or a per capita consumption of one hundred gallons for the entire
City of Moline. The consumption of fuel for the past year was 7,114,000
pounds of coal, being 19,437 pounds for each day. By computation,
filtering 1,904 gallons of water for each pound of coal consume]. Cost, of
coal for past year $5,838.59, or $15.95 for each twenty-four hours.
Coagulates used the past year in the filtering plant, 412,870 pounds of
lime, being 3.13 grains for each gallon; 106,780 pounds of iron, or .81
grains per gallon; 19,875 pounds of alum, or 2.146 grains per gallon.
923,326,790 gallons of water were filtered with lime and iron at a cost of
$1.17 per million gallons of water; the cost of iron being seventy-five
cents per million gallons. Water filtered by alum at a cost of $3.05 per
million gallons. Cost of filtering water for the past year has been
$5,881.20, or $5.95 per million gallons. The total cost of pumping and
filtering the water used during the past year, including all expenses at
the water works and filtering plant, and water main expenses, has been
$22,787.16, or equal to $22.04 per million gallons.
1912 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois.
1914 Historical
encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Rock Island County,
Volume I.
Page 681: In 1874 the city installed water mains and the power was
furnished by Dimock, Gould & Company.
1914 Historical
encyclopedia of Illinois and History of Rock Island County,
Volume II.
Page 1094: DAVIS, Thomas Bodley and Samuel Sharpe
In 1883 they took a contract for laying the water-mains in the city of
Moline, and, as the city did not have the means to build the waterworks,
Davis Brothers organized the Moline Water Works Company, built the plant
complete, and supplied the city with water from January 1, 1884, to July,
1886, when the city purchased and began operating the plant.
1919 "Typhoid Fever at Moline, Illinois (with Discussion)," by M. C. Sjoblom, Journal of the American Water Works Association 6(2):230-237 (June, 1919) | Also here |
1919 "The Operation of the Moline Filtration Plant," by A. E. Anderson, Journal of the American Water Works Association 6(2):238-242 (June, 1919) | also here |
1920 Laws
and Ordinances Governing the City of Moline in the State of Illinois
Pages 391-400: Water Works including rates
1950 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois. Map of congested district
1957 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Moline, Rock Island County, Illinois. Volume 1 | Volume 2 |
© 2017 Morris A. Pierce