Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Northwestern States
Minnesota Saint Paul

Saint Paul, Minnesota

Saint Paul was incorporated as a city in 1854.

The St. Paul Water Company was incorporated in 1856 by R.R. Nelson, William H. Morton, William H. Randall, Charles H. Oakes, and B.W. Lott "for the supply of the city or St. Paul, with water sufficient for extinguishing fires, culinary and other family uses, watering the streets and such other purposes as may conduce to the health and comfort of the citizens."  This company opened books to sell stock, but only formally organized after the second company was formed in 1857.  The company engaged a Prussian immigrant engineer, Arnold Syberg, to prepare a plan for a water system, which he completed in July.  Shortly thereafter, the company agreed to surrender their charter and turn over all of their surveys and papers to the second company.

Daily Minnesotian, May 2, 1856, Page 2.

A second Saint Paul Water Company was incorporated in 1857 by Roswell A. Fish, William H. Leonard, William Divier, Justin C. Ramsey, and William L. Banning with the sole and exclusive right "to introduce water into the City of Saint Paul."  The company's charter was revived in 1865, with Henry M. Rice, George L. Otis, Peter Berkey, William Lee, Nathan Myrick, Charles D. Gilfillan and Robert A. Smith named as incorporators.  The company's charter was extended and then revived in 1865, and they built a gravity system that began operation in December, 1869 using using cement-lined wrought-iron pipe manufactured by the American Water and Gas Pipe Company of Jersey City.  The pipe company's superintendent, John B. Overton, was hired as the water company's superintendent, a position he retained after the city bought the works.

An 1881 law authorized the city of St. Paul to buy the water company, and they took possession on June 1, 1882 for a price of $510,000.

Water is provided by Saint Paul Regional Water Services, which has published Behind the Faucet:  The story of Saint Paul Regional Water Services.

1856 An act to incorporate the St. Paul Water Company.  March 1, 1856.

1857 An act to incorporate the Saint Paul Water Company.  May 23, 1857.

1857 St. Paul Daily Pioneer, May 29, 1857, Page 3.
The St. Paul Water Company.- At an adjourned meeting of the corporators of the Saint Paul Water Company, held at the office of Wm. H. Randall, Esq., on the 28th inst., the necessary amount of stock having been previously subscribed, the following gentlemen were unanimously elected officers for the ensuing year:
Directors - W.H. Randall, R. R. Nelson, C.G. Pettys, D.A.J. Baker, A. Wilkins, E.S. Goodrich and B.W. Lott.
President - Wm. H. Randall; Secretary - B. W. Lott; Treasurer - W. H. Morton.
Directions were given to authorize the Engineer to make the necessary surveys as soon as practicable.

1857 "Can we have Pure Water in St. Paul," St. Paul Daily Pioneer, July 24, 1857, Page 3.

1857 "Capt. Syberg's Report to the Water Company," St. Paul Daily Pioneer, July 25, 1857, Page 3.

1857 "St. Paul Water Company," St. Paul Daily Pioneer, September 5, 1857, Page 3.
Very lately, however, the company chartered in May consummated an agreement with the old company, by which the latter agreed to surrender their charter, and turn of all their surveys and papers to the new company.  On the 2d of September, the incorporators in the new company held a meeting, and organized with the following efficient officers and Board of Directors:  President - Nathan Myrick; Treasurer - C. B Gallagher; Secretary - Wm. H. Leonard; Directors - Hon. H. M. Rice, J. M. Winslow, George L. Becker, and Wm. Diviere.

1858 An act to amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the St. Paul Water Company.  March 20, 1858.

1859 "Waterworks at Saint Paul, Minnesota," from The American Gas Light Journal 1(2):30 (August 1, 1859)

1861 An Act to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the St. Paul Water Company,” approved May 23d, 1857.  May 8, 1861.

1865 An Act to revive, amend and continue an act entitled an act to incorporate the Saint Paul Water Company, approved May twenty third, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, and to revive the corporation thereby created.  March 2, 1865.

1868 An act to amend the Charter of the St. Paul Water Company and the amendments thereto.  February 4, 1868.

1868 An Ordinance to authorize the "Saint Paul Water Company" to erect Fire Plugs in the City, and to provide compensation therefor.  May 19, 1868.

1869 An act authorizing the St. Paul Water Company to relocate its line and extend its works.  February 8, 1869.

1869 "Trial of the Water Works," St. Paul Daily Press, August 24, 1869, Page 4.
Three miles of pipe filled.  Mr. J. B. Overton, the efficient superintendent of the Eastern Company, that has the contract for manufacturing and laying the pipe, has never been off duty since the ground was broken, and the excellence of the pipe and the thorough manner in which it has been laid, is due to his careful supervision.

1869 "St. Paul Water Works," The Minneapolis Tribune, December 11, 1869, Page 4.
The new St. Paul Water Works were partially tried on Thursday, and the Pioneer says they were found to be all that had been claimed for them.

1871 Henry Proetz vs. The St. Paul Water Company, 17 Minn. 163, July, 1871, Supreme Court of Minnesota

1881 An act to authorize the city of St. Paul to purchase the franchises and property of the St. Paul Water Company, and creating the Board of Water Commissioners.  February 10, 1881.

1882 Saint Paul, Engineering News, 9:143 (May 6, 1882)

1882 First Annual Report of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul.  December 1, 1882.

1882 Saint Paul from "The Water-Supply of Certain Cities and Towns of the United States," by Walter G. Elliot, C. E., Ph. D.

1883 Second Annual Report of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul.  December 1, 1883.

1884 Third Annual Report of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul.  December 1, 1884.

1885 Fourth Annual Report of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul.  December 1, 1885.

1886 Fifth Annual Report of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul.  December 1, 1886.

1887 An act to authorize the city of Saint Paul to issue bonds for the purpose of paying bonds issued by the St. Paul Water company and assumed by the city of St. Paul in its purchase of the franchises and property of the St. Paul Water Company.  January 31, 1887.

1888 "Saint Paul," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 1.

1890 "Saint Paul," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 2.

1891 "Saint Paul," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 3.

1897 "Saint Paul," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 4.

1904  John Burdette Overton,  Born 10 Oct 1841 Orange County, New York, died 21 Mar 1904 Minnesota.  

1912 History of St. Paul and Vicinity: A Chronicle of Progress and a Narrative Account of the Industries, Institutions, and People of the City and Its Tributary Territory, Volume 1, Henry Anson Castle
Pages 354-359:  St. Paul Water Company and City Water Works

1967 "Charles D. Gilfillan:  Builder Behind the Scenes," by Merrill C. Jarchow, Minnesota History 40(5):221-232 (Spring 1967)

2014 Architects of Little Rock: 1833-1950, by Charles Witsell  and Gordon G. Wittenberg, with Marylyn Jackson Parins
Pages 20-21:  Arnold Syberg

© 2017 Morris A. Pierce