Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Northwestern States Nebraska


Nebraska became a state in 1867.

1879 An act entitled "An act to amend Section fifteen (15) of an act entitled 'An act to incorporate Cities of the First Class,'" approved March 28, 1873.  February 27, 1879.
27th. To erect, construct, and maintain waterworks construct and regulate water either within or without the corporate limits of the city, works, and to make all needful rules and regulations concerning the use of water supplied by such waterworks, and to do all acts necessary for the construction, ompletion, management, and control of the same, including the appropriation of private property for the public use in the construction and operation of such waterworks; compensation for such appropriation to be made as is provided by section fifty-four (54) of said act as now amended and in force; and the mayor and council of each city, created or governed by said act, shall have  power to contract with and procure individuals or incorporations to construct and maintain waterworks on such terms and under such regulations as may be agreed on.

1903 An act to provide in cities of the metropolitan class, viz:
1. For the procedure in certain cases, by the mayor and council in the acquisition of a municipal water plant;
2. For the creation of a water board, its organization, its powers, its duties, and the compensation of its members and employees.
3. Penalties for interference with water plant, or employees of water board in the discharge of their duties.
4. For a Water Fund, its revenues, and the disbursement and application thereof.
February 2, 1903.

Grand Island
Nebraska City

Nebraska City
1881 1 Omaha
1886 2
Grand Island
Note: The second column in the chronological table above shows the order in which systems were built in the state. Where no number is shown, a company was formed but no evidence has been found that the system was constructed.

© 2015 Morris A. Pierce