Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Northwestern States
Nebraska Brownville

Brownville, Nebraska

Brownville was incorporated as a village in 1856.

The Brownville Hydraulic, Gas Light, and Coke company was incorporated in 1860 by Stephen F. Nuckolls, Jesse Noel, John McPherson, Theodore Hill, Filmore T. Singleton, William E. Wilkinson, Arthur W. Shay, Edward M. McComas and Robert W. Furnas "with the exclusive right of supplying the said city with gas for the purposes of affording light, and supplying water in pipes, aqueducts, fountains, reservoirs."  No evidence has been found that this company built anything.

The Village of Brownville built a water system in 1967.

The water system is operated by the City of Auburn. PWS # NE3112704 

1860 An act to incorporate the Brownville Hydraulic, Gas Light, and Coke company.  January 4, 1860.

1974 "The Brownville Story:  Portrait of a Phoenix, 1854-1974," Nebraska History 55:1-141 (1974)
Page 126:  After 111 years of drawing water from wells-and for a few years hauling water in-the town approved a city water system, which was installed and opened for use in 1967.

© 2017 Morris A. Pierce