Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
New England States New Hampshire Canterbury

Canterbury, New Hampshire

Canterbury was incorporated in 1741.

The first water works in Canterbury were built by the local Shaker Community in 1797 using wooden pipes.  The community reportedly provided similar pipes to the Portsmouth Aqueduct.

The Town of Canterbury currently has no public water system.


1906 Nineteenth Report of the State Board of Health of the State of New Hampshire, for the two years ending November 1, 1906.
Page 22:  Canterbury.- No public water supply.

1999 A Partial History of Public Water System, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
Page 4:  Portsmouth Aqueduct.  Some of these pipes were supplied by the Shakers at Canterbury, N.H.

2015 Current Record of Events from 1792 to 1885, Shaker Community of East Canterbury, New Hampshire
1797 Sept. The water pipes (made of wood) were laid in the grounds consisting of 200 rods in extent.
1846 Oct. 24.  An aqueduct (iron pipe) is adjusted to day in North Field in place of the hollow log aqueduct now badly decayed. The aqueduct extends from School House Lane to the small reservoir in North field
1846 Nov. 21.  The Brethren complete the job of tunneling a ditch for an aqueduct or rather a subterranean passage It being about 25 feet deep the digging could be performed by this method much easier than in any other way. The lead pipe used was about an inch in diameter. The ditch is completed about an inch in diameter. The ditch is completed closed and water flows through the aqueduct to-day.
1884 January 3. "Hydraulic Pump" at Clothier's Mill" in operation at present date. From this point, a new pipe has just been laid connecting with Reservoir in North Orchard in place of a smaller defective one.

© 2017 Morris A. Pierce