Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
New England States New Hampshire Haverhill

Haverhill, New Hampshire

Haverhill was incorporated in 1763.

The Haverhill Aqueduct Corporation was incorporated in 1820 by Henry Towle with "the sole and exclusive right, dureing the time aforesaid to conduct the water from the Bliss Spring, so called, to Haverhill Common, & to the houses & buildings of the several Inhabitants, who may contract with said Corporation therefor, in the Leaden Pipes of Todds patent Right."  Alpheus Todd (1788-1818) of Orford, New Hampshire, had patented a new way to manufacture lead pipe in 1814, which after his death was made and sold by his brother Henry Todd (1792-1845).   This company probably built a water system based on the language in the 1835 charter (below) and the 1897 report of the state board of health.

The Haverhill Aqueduct Company was incorporated in 1835 by Ezra Bartlett, John Nelson, Joseph Bell, Benjamin Merrill, Jonathan Sinclair, S. P. Webster, John L. Rix, Richard N. Brown, Henry Towle, Joshua Blaisdell, and David Sloan and "shall be capable of holding all such real and personal estate as shall be necessary for laying down and keeping, in repair, an Aqueduct from the Bliss Spring (so called) in said Haverhill, to the Village of Haverhill corner (so called) not exceeding four thousand Dollars."  This company built a system that operated until 1919, which it was sold to the local precinct.

The Torrent Aqueduct Company was incorporated in 1869 by Peabody W. Kimball, Charles G. Smith, Nathaniel W. Westgate, John S. Bryant, Sylvester Reding, Augustus Whitney, Henry Merrill, Daniel Merrill and Nathaniel M. Page.  No further information on this company has been found.

The Haverhill Water Company was incorporated in 1895 by William F. Westgate, Tyler Westgate, Charles P. Page, John W. Merrill, George H. Westgate, and Harry W. Leith for the purpose "of bringing water in subterranean pipes into the village of Haverhill Corner, so called, in the town of Haverhill, and supplying individuals and corporations, therein and elsewhere, with water for domestic use and the extinguishment of fires, and for other purposes."  No further information on this company has been found.

The Precinct of Haverhill Corner was formed in 1907, with powers including "the supply of water for domestic and fire purposes."  The Precinct bought the Haverhill Aqueduct Company in 1919 for $64.

The water system is currently owned by the Precinct of Haverhill Corner.   

1820 An Act to incorporate Henry Towle and his Associates by the name of The Haverhill Aqueduct Corporation. December 13, 1820

1835 An act to incorporate sundry persons by the name of the Haverhill Aqueduct Company, June 12, 1835.

1869 An act to incorporate the Torrent Aqueduct Company, July 7, 1869

1895 An act to incorporate the Haverhill Water Company, March 13, 1895.

1897 Report of the State Board of Health of the State of New Hampshire from July 1, 1895 to November 1, 1896
Page 23: HAVERHILL. The Haverhill Water Company furnished water for Haverhill proper, from boiling springs located on high ground about three fourths of a mile from the village. The water flows directly from the source into the mains, the springs being covered and the in-take protected by a screen. The first cost of the works, 65 years or more since, was $1,600, and upwards of $1,000 have since been expended upon the same. Between 40 and 50 families are supplied with water from this source, being nearly the entire village. While the supply has failed once or twice during the very dry seasons, the amount of water is usually sufficient for all purposes except fire. There are no hydrants connected with the system. The water has been analyzed a number of times, and always pronounced pure.
Ten or twelve families at the south of the village are supplied from a spring near there, and which has been running 70 years or more. Mr. W. F. Westgate is laying another line of pipe, which will supply some other families.

1915 An act to legalize the establishment and proceedings of the precinct of Haverhill Corner. March 3, 1915.

1919 Haverhill Aqueduct Company Petition to Sell its Properties to the Precinct of Haverhill Corner, Reports and orders of the Public Service Commission of the State of New Hampshire, October 23, 1919.


© 2015 Morris A. Pierce