Documentary History of American Water-works

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Pacific States
Nevada Ophir

Ophir, Nevada

Ophir was founded about 1861 and was abandoned by 1866.  According to a 2009 article by Rick Moreno, "By 1862, Ophir had a post office and several hundred residents; for a time it was the second largest town in Washoe County after nearby Washoe City, which had an estimated population of about 3,000."

In 1862, William Meers and J. J. Downing were granted the right "to lay distributing water pipes in any of the public streets or alleys of the Town of Ophir," for a term of ten years,  No evidence has been found that this company built a system.

1862 An Act to supply the Town of Ophir, in the County of Washoe, with Water, and to protect the Town against Fires.  December 17, 1862.

1866 Map of the State of Nevada, U.S. General Land Office.  Shows location of Ophir in Washoe County.

2009 "Fading remains of Ophir City In Washoe Valley," by Rick Moreno, April 29, 2009, Backyard Traveler

© 2017 Morris A. Pierce