Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Pacific States
Nevada Washoe City

Washoe City, Nevada

Washoe City was founded in 1860 and was mostly abandoned by the early 20th Century.

In 1862, John Wesley North and John P. Foulks were granted the right to "lay distributing water pipes in any of the public streets or alleys of the Town of Washoe City" for a term of ten years.  No evidence has been found that this company built anything.

1862 An Act to supply the Town of Washoe City with Water, and to protect the Town against Fires.  December 17, 1862.

1866 Map of the State of Nevada, U.S. General Land Office.  Shows location of Washoe City in Washoe County.

1893 Patent for Air-Motor, John P. Foulks, Patent Number US500877A, July 4, 1893.

1901 Foulks Accelerating Air Motor Company, a Corporation, Respondent, v. J. H. Thies, Appellant, 26 Nev. 158, April term, 1901, Supreme Court of Nevada.
Mr. Foulks was a member of the Nevada Legislature in 1893.

2009 "The Last Few Traces of Old Washoe City," by Rich Moreno, February 2, 2009, Backyard Traveler.

John Wesley North, Online Nevada
In the spring of 1861, Lincoln named North as surveyor general of the new Territory of Nevada. North arrived in Carson City on June 22, 1861 and was soon admitted to the Nevada bar. He became superintendent of Washoe County schools in December 1861. He formed a law partnership in 1862 with James F. Lewis, later also a justice of the Nevada Supreme Court. In July of that year, North's federal surveyor position terminated with the consolidation of the Nevada and California offices.

© 2017 Morris A. Pierce