Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Middle Atlantic States New York Canajoharie

Canajoharie, New York

Canajoharie was incorporated as a village in 1829.

The Canandaigua Water Works Company was incorporated in 1852 by David Spraker, Thomas B. Mitchell, Lorenzo B. Clark, Horace Barns, Joseph White, and Chester S. Bromley "for the purpose of supplying the village of Canajoharie with pure and wholesome water." 

The Cold Spring Water Company was incorporated in 1881 and built a competing water system.

The property of the Canandaigua Water Works Company was sold by foreclosure  in 1889, and the Canajoharie Consolidated Water Com­pany was organized in December 1889 to own both companies.

The Village of Canajoharie built its own water works in 1910.

Water is currently provided by the Village of Canajoharie.

References and Timeline
1852 An act to incorporate the Canajoharie water works company.  April 16, 1852.

1878 An act to amend chapter three hundred and eighty of the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-two, entitled, "An act to incorporate the Canajoharie Water Works Company." April 8, 1878.

1882 Canajoharie, from Engineering News, 9:24 (January 21, 1882).

1882 Canajoharie, from "The Water-Supply of Certain Cities and Towns of the United States," by Walter G. Elliot, C. E., Ph. D.

1883 An act to amend chapter three hundred and eighty of the laws of eighteen hundred and fifty-two, entitled " An act to incorporate the Canajoharie Water-Works Company," to repeal section twenty-one of said act and to authorize said company to issue bonds, and mortgage its property and franchises.  March 30, 1883.

1888 "Canajoharie," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 1.

1890 "Canajoharie," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 2.

1891 "Canajoharie," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 3.

1892 History of Montgomery County: Embracing Early Discoveries, the Advance of Civilization, the Labors and Triumphs of Sir William Johnson, the Inception and Development of Manufactures, with Town and Local Records, Also Military Achievements of Montgomery Patriots, revised and edited by Washington Frothingham.
Pages 254-255:  Canajoltarie Water Supply.-A water supply was first introduced into the village in 1852 by the Canajoharie Water Works Co., the plans for the works being made by William A. Perkins, engineer. The supply was taken from springs by gravity, to which was added later on, rams for fire emergency. In 1876 this system was extended by Chas. W. Knight, taking the supply from larger springs. The company was managed by six directors, as follows: David Spraker, president ; Lorenzo B. Clark, secretary and treasurer; Thos. B. Mitchell, Horace Barnes, Joseph White, and Chester S. Brumley. The superintendent was John D. Buddle. In 1881 the Cold Spring Water Company, a competing corporation, put in new works, after plans by Stephen E. Babcock, engineer. This company was managed by five trustees, among whom were James Arkell, Benjamin Smith, Adam Smith and Louis Bierbauer.
In 1888 the property and franchise of the first company were sold by foreclosure to Randolph Spraker and William Hatter, who with others, in December, 1889, organized the Canajoharie Consolidated Water Com­pany, receiving the franchises and property of both the other companies. The catch basin is located three-fourths of a mile from the village; the pond one-half mile and the reservoir one quarter mile. The officers of the company are James Arkell, president; William Hatter, vice-president; Randolph Spraker, treasurer, secretary, superintendent and collector.

1897 "Canajoharie," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 4.

1910 Application of the Village of Canajoharie to build water works, July, 1910.  Approved August 11, 1910.

1911 An act to legalize the action of the board of trustees and of the electors of the village of Canajoharie, in relation to the issue of the bonds of such village for fifty thousand dollars to defray a portion of the expense of establishing a system of water works therein, and to legalize such bonds and the issuance thereof, and to provide for the payment of the same. May 6, 1911.

© 2017 Morris A. Pierce