Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Middle Atlantic States New York Cherry Valley

Cherry Valley, New York

Cherry Valley was established in 1740 and incorporated as a village in 1812.

The Cherry-Valley Aqueduct Association was incorporated in 1820 by Oliver Judd, Alfred Crafts, and Illustrious Remington,  Others mentioned in the charter include William Story, Ezekial Johnson, and Jonathan Hall.  No evidence has been found that this company built a system.

The village built a water system in 1896 that began operation on December 12 of that year.  Water is distributed by gravity from a reservoir.

Water service is provided by the Village of Cherry Valley.

1819 "Cherry Valley Aqueduct," Albany Argus, December 21, 1819, Page 1.
Notice is hereby given, that the subscribers and their associates intend applying to the legislature at their next session, for an act of incorporation for the purpose of conveying water into the village of Cherry Valley for the use of the inhabitants.  Cherry Valley, December 3, 1819.  Alfred Craft, Oliver Judd, Illustrious Remington.

1820 An act to incorporate the Cherry-Valley Aqueduct Association. April 1, 1820.

1898 History of Cherry Valley [N.Y.] from 1740 to 1898 by John Sawyer
Page 136:  Since this time nothing of moment has taken place in this town, excepting the building of the water works system in 1896-7 and the death of several prominent men.

© 2015 Morris A. Pierce