Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Middle Atlantic States New York Corning

Corning, New York

Corning was incorporated as a village in 1848 and as a city in 1890.

The village built a water system that began service on July 1, 1872.  The village was unhappy with the responsibility of running the system, and leased it to Thomas Lawrence and Harry C. Heermans in 1876 for a period of thirty years.

Water is provided by the City of Corning.

1871 An act to authorize the village of Corning, Steuben county, to borrow money to construct water-works for said village.  April 11, 1871.

1877 An act to amend chapter three hundred and ninety-nine of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one, entitled "An act to authorize the village of Corning, Steuben county, to borrow money to construct water-works for said village."  January 31, 1877.

1881 "Corning," from Engineering News 8:332-333 (August 20, 1881)

1882 Corning, from "The Water-Supply of Certain Cities and Towns of the United States," by Walter G. Elliot, C. E., Ph. D. 

1888 "Corning," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 1.

1890 "Corning," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 2.

1891 "Corning," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 3.

1897 "Corning," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 4.

1910 St. Patrick's Church Society of Corning, Plaintiff, v. Herry C. Heermanns, as Sole Surviving Partner of the Copartnership of Heermans & Lawrence, Defendant. 68 Misc. Rep. 487, July, 1910, Supreme Court, Special Term, Steuben County.

1910 Landmarks of Steuben County, New York, edited by Harlo Hakes
Page 43-45:  Harry C. Heermans
Pages 269-270:  Water Works

1922 Pioneer days and later times in Corning and vicinity, 1789-1920, by Uri Mulford | also here |
Pages 256-257:  A committee of citizens appointed to investigate and report a plan for providing a water system for the village, at a meeting held in Washington Hall, the evening of March 6, 1871, reported in favor of a gravity system, the water to be gathered by natural flow into a reservoir, southwest of the village, at an elevation of 225 feet above the central section of Market street. The cost of the complete water supply system was estimated at $12,108. The members of the Committee on Water Supply were : Samuel C. Robertson, William F. Townley, A. H. Gorton and Hiram Pritchard. It was voted to hold a special election to pass on the matter.
Page 260:  October 5, 1871. — The village Trustees closed a contract with the Gloucester Iron Works, of Camden, N. J., to construct a water system complete for $20,000. A reservoir is to be placed on the hillside near the head of Pine street.
Page 261:  Monday, July 1, 1872, water was for the first time turned into the newly-placed water mains. Under gravity pressure, from hose attached to a hydrant at Market and Pine streets, a stream of water was thrown over the Dickinson House.
Page 270:  In May, 1876, Thomas Lawrence entered into a contract with the Board of Trustees of the Village of Corning, to take over, improve and maintain the village water supply system, for ten years.  The village is to pay $500 on the purchase of rotary pumps and a steam engine to cost $1,200; Lawrence is to furnish without charge all water needed for fire purposes, the school house and other public buildings, and he has the right to sell water to customers and make reasonable charges for the service ; he is to make necessary repairs, the village to pay for new material required for its own service.
Page 271:  The water supply failed, owing to trouble at the pump station, located near the old canal warehouse, on the bank of the Chemung River.
Page 273:  The source of the village water supply has been changed from a well taking water from the Chemung River near the foot of Pine street, to a spring in the eastern section of the village, where a pump station has been placed. The supply is abundant and of good quality, except when contaminated by surface drainage.
Page 276:  The lessees of the village water works have placed a new pump and engine, capable of pumping over 3,000 gallons per minute at slight elevation, or to force water into the reservoir on the hill, 225 feet above the intake, at the rate of 500 gallons per minute.
Page 299:  Heermans & Lawrence, lessees of the village water system, establish an office in the former Hungerford Bank, on Market street.
Page 308:  The Corning Water Works, Hermans & Lawrence lessees, has 61 1-2 miles of mains, 360 taps, 28 meters and 61 hydrants. Daily consumption of water, 300,000 feet. The pressure at Market street is 90 pounds, which is ample for fire purposes.
Page 358:  The city water system was during the Summer extended to the Northside section of the city.
Page 409:  Mayor Rettig appointed the following committee to investigate and report as regards the water supply of the city, and to suggest to the Common Council plans for providing the city an adequate supply of water : George B. Bradley, Benjamin W. Wellington, Alanson B. Houghton, Charles B. Wing, John H. Lang, Francis C. Williams and William T. Smith.
Page 411:  The special commit on water supply, reported to the Common Council, recommending that on the expiration of the lease of the municipal water system to Heermans & Lawrence — December 31, 1906— the city take over, extend and operate the same. The report was approved by unanimous vote of members of the Council.
February 14, 1906.— The Common Council, by a vote of 8 to 6, decided to place the matter of improving the municipal water supply system, in charge of a Water Commission, composed of the Mayor and four associates and that necessary bonds be issued to finance the project. An Act to meet legal requirements was approved, to be sent to the State Legislature for adoption.
Page 412:  The measure providing for the creation of a Water Commission for the city of Corning, and authorizing the issuance of $150,000 of water bonds, was passed by the Legislature, approved by the Council (8 to 6) and the Mayor as passed, and was signed by the Governor.
April 30, 1906. — Mayor Rettig appointed and the Common Council confirmed the following as members of the Corning Water Commission, of which he, by virtue of his office, is the head: Frank D. Kingsbury, Benjamin W. Wellington, Calvin G. Hungerford and James E. Poland.
Page 414:  With the close of the year the Corning water system, after being operated for thirty years under a lease granted to Thomas Lawrence, was returned to the city, the Water Commission in charge.
Page 415:  March 4, 1907. — By unanimous vote the Common Council authorized $100,000 in water bonds to be issued.
James M. Caird, of Troy, chemist and bacterologist, reports as the outcome of examinations, that the water supply of Corning is the best of any city in the State. The source is a large spring in the eastern section of the city; the quantity is abundant at all times.

© 2018 Morris A. Pierce