Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Middle Atlantic States New York Fayetteville

Fayetteville, New York

Fayetteville was settled around 1790.

The Fayetteville Hydraulic Company was incorporated in 1836 "for supplying said village with water, and for hydraulic purposes."  David Collins, Albert Neeley, John Watson, Hervey Edwards, John MacViccar, Jacob De Puy,and  John Yelverton appointed as commissioners to sell stock.  This company built a canal that provided hydraulic power, but no evidence has been found that this company provided a supply of water.

The Village of Fayetteville built a gravity water system in 1892 using water from springs.  Local resident Col. Mortimer Birdseye was the contractor and E. D. Smalley the engineer. The original dirt reservoir was replaced with a larger concrete basin in 1912 that held abut six million gallons.

An emergency interconnection was made in 1940 to the Syracuse water system, and around 1960 a link to the Manlius Village water system was made.  The Village system was transferred to the Onondaga County Water Authority. 

Water service is provided by the Onondaga County Water Authority.  The Village of Fayetteville has a good history page about their water system.

1836 An act to incorporate the Fayetteville hydraulic company.  March 15, 1836.

1896 Onondaga's Centennial: Gleanings of a Century, Volume 1, by Dwight Hall Bruce
Page 796-797: On the 14th of March, 1836, the Fayetteville Hydraulic Company was incorporated by David Collin, Albert Neeley, John Watson, Hervey Edwards, John McVicker, Jacob De Puy and John Yelverton. The purpose of this company was to “conduct the waters of the Limestone Creek, in the town of Manlius, the county of Onondaga, from a place called Hall's Mills, or any point below the same, on said creek, to the village of Fayetteville, for supplying said village with water and for hydraulic purposes.” The capital of the company was $70,000. The result of this legislation was the construction of what is known as the Ledyard Canal, so named from one of the men connected with its building. The canal has a fall of about 100 feet, and gives extensive waterpower. It is now the property of Edward and Charles L. Collin.

1897 "Fayetteville," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 4.

1908 Past and present of Syracuse and Onondaga county, New York: from prehistoric times to the beginning of 1908, Volume 1, William Martin Beauchamp
Page 385: The Fayetteville Hydraulic Company was incorporated March 14, 1836, to bring water from Limestone creek through the village.  This was called the Ledyard canal, with a fall of about one hundred feet.  Water works now supply excellent water in houses.

© 2015 Morris A. Pierce