Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Middle Atlantic States New York Green Island

Green Island, New York

Green Island was incorporated as a village in 1853 and as a town in 1896.

The first water service to the village of Green Island was provided by the West Troy Water-works Company in 1878.  The company raised the cost of service in 1883 which the village was unwilling to pay.  It is unclear if water service was cut off to the village, or if the village was simply forbidden to use water for fire protection.

The Green Island Water Company was incorporated on June 1, 1887 and bought the West Troy Water-works Company the following year.  The company built a new plant to supply water to West Troy and Green Island.   The company was foreclosed in 1900 and the Green Island system was bought by M.J. Drummond

The Green Island Water Supply Company was incorporated August 23, 1900.

Water is provided by the Town of Green Island.

1873 Journal of the New York Legislative Assembly
Page 330:  Monday, February 24, 1873. Mr. Mosher introduced a bill entitled "An act to incorporate the Watervliet, West Troy, and Green Island Water-works Company," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

1877 An act authorizing the board of trustees of the village of Green Island to contract for a supply of water for public purposes.  May 3, 1877

1881 An act to amend chapter two hundred and twenty-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-seven, entitled "An act authorizing the board of trustees of the village of Green Island to contract for a supply of water for public purposes."  April 14, 1881

1881 Buffalo Evening News, May 24, 1881, Page 7.
Green Island has contracted with the West Troy water works for twenty hydrants, at $2,000 per year.

1883 "Refusing to pay their water rent," The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, June 1, 1883, Page 8.
The trustees of Green Island have refused to pay rent for the use of the West Troy Water Company's works and the company will shut off the water this afternoon or Monday and the village will be left without a supply.

1884 Buffalo Morning Express, February 1, 1884, Page 2.
The West Troy Water-works Company has served an injunction on the President of Green Island Village restraining the village from using the water furnished by the company.  The latter wants $2,500 for the supply, and the village is willing to pay only $2,000.

1888 The Saratogian, March 29, 1888, Page 9.
The West Troy water works plant has been sold to the Green Island water company, who will operate the same.  The establishment of electric light works in connection with the pumping station at Green Island is now under consideration.

1888 "Green Island," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 1.

1889 The Daily Leader (Gloversville, New York), May 4, 1889, Page 4.
The board of trustees of the village of West Troy met Wednesday evening.  The contract for furnishing the village with water was awarded to the Green Island water works for $8,000.

1890 The People of the State of New York ex rel. Michael McGrath, Appellant, v. The Green Island Water Company, Respondent, 56 Hun. 76, February 24, 1890, Supreme Court of the State of New York, Third Department

1890 "Green Island," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 2.

1891 "Green Island," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 3.

1897 "Green Island," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 4.

1900 Fire and Water 28:80 (September 1, 1900)
By a foreclosure sale Green Island, N.Y. Water company has passed into the hand of M.J. Drummond.  The concern has been incorporated as the Green Island Water Supply company, with a capital of $60,000.  Its directors are M.J. Drummond, John Craig, John M. Fraser, B.J. McDermott, P.J. Harrigan, W.J. Huxley, and Lester E. Wood, all of New York.

l916 "Death of M.J. Drummond," Fire and Water Engineering 59(4):60 (January 26, 1916) | also here |
The death of Michael J. Drummond, in this city on Saturday, the 22nd instant, will be received with much regret by his large circle of friends and patrons. He died from heart trouble, brought on by an attack of pneumonia, from which he was slowly recovering. For many years Mr. Drummond carried on an extensive business in cast iron pipe and waterworks’ supplies, in which he was for some time associated with the late John Fox under the name of Fox & Drummond. He was head of the firm of M. J. Drummond & Co., which was lately managed by his son, Walter J. Drummond. He was the resident and treasurer of the Beaver Engineering and Contracting Company, secretary and a member of the board of the Jamaica Water Supply Company and a director of the Nassau Water Company, of Glen Cove, N. Y, For many years also he had been chairman of the Executive Committee of the Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank and of the Broadway Trust Company, chairman of the Committee on Education and Industries of the New York Catholic Protectory, a trustee of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, a director in the Glamorgan Pipe and Foundry Company and the Shavvmut Clay Manufacturing Company. In 1910 he became Commissioner of Charities under Mayor Gaynor and had been for many years a leader in directing and promoting the work of the charitable institutions of New York. He married a second time shortly after acceping the Charities Commissionership, and then practically gave up active work in iiis business. Mr. Drummond was born in New Jersey 65 years ago, but spent his life in New York. He was a sincere friend to those deserving charity and had a most affable and kindly disposition which surrounded him with a large circle of friends. He is survived by his sons. Walter 1. Drummond. Eeo S. Drummond. John C. Drummond, and his daughters, Miss Rose M. Drummond and Mrs. James P. Travers. The funeral services, which were held at St. Patrick's Cathedral yesterday forenoon, were attended by a large gathering of men in public life and members of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, the American-Irish Historical Society and the Catholic Society of New York, of which Mr. Drummond was a member.

1917 Annual Report of the State Department of Health of New York for the Year Ending December 31, 1917
Page 348-350:  Green Island

1935 Annual Report of the Public Service Commission, Volume 1
Page 353:  Green Island Water Supply Company

1949 "Wants to Buy Water Plant," The Greenwich Journal and Fort Edward Advertiser, August 10, 1949, Page 1.
A joint application has been filed with the state public service commission by the village of Green Island and the Green Island water supply company, requesting approval of the village's proposed purpose of the company's water system.  The village has agreed to pay $135,00 for the physical assets of the company.

1950 Annual Report of the Public Service Commission, Volume 2.
Page 332:  The Green Island Water Supply Company November 29, 1949, Case 14470, consent of the Commission granted to The Green Island Water Supply Company to transfer to the Village of Green Island its works and system located in the Towns

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