Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Middle Atlantic States New York Newark

Newark, New York

Newark was incorporated as a village in 1853.

The Newark Water-Works Company was incorporated in 1886 by Moffett, Hodgkins and Clark of Watertown, New York, who developed and owned some 50 water works between 1885 and 1896, when they became bankrupt.  The company was sold at auction to Charles F. Sweet in 1899, who incorporated the City Water Company to own and operate the system.

The village purchased the system on July 6, 1905 for $50,000.

Water is provided by the Village of Newark.

1886 Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York) January 28, 1886, Page 3.
It has been decided that Newark is to be supplied with water works.  Hinds, Moffat & Co., of Watertown, have organized a water works company, called the Newark Water Works company, and have submitted a proposition to the village board.

1887 Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York), April 25, 1887, Page 3.
The village board of Newark ... have also entered into contract with the Newark water works company to put in water works, with at least seven miles of main, seventy hydrants, and a water stand eighty-eight feet tall on Asylum hill; the annual cost for all village purpose to be $2,000.

1887 Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York), October 31, 1887, Page 5.
An addition of about a hundred Swedes and Germans have been put to service on the Newark Water Works.  James Bridges boards them at $12 a month each.

1888 Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York), January 20, 1888, Page 3.
The pumps of the Newark Water Works are now at work filing the pipes and water stand.  They seem to operate all right and things are nearly in readiness for the public test, which will soon be agreed upon and anounced by the company and the village authorities.  It will be a grand day for Newark.  Reporters and other guests are expected to honor the occasion by their presence.

1888 "Newark," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 1.

1890 "Newark," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 2.

1891 "The Newark, N.Y., Water Works Company," Star Gazette (Elmira, New York, September 14, 1891, Page 6.

1891 "Newark," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 3.

1896 Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York), July 16, 1896, Page 7.
A judgment was entered in the Wayne county clerk's office at Lyons yesterday in favor of of Louis V. Booraem and Edward D. O'Brien as receivers of the Moffet, Hodgkins & Clark Company, of New York, against the Newark Water Works Company, for $640.37 damages and costs.

1897 "Action Commenced against the Newark Water Works Company," Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York), May 28, 1897, Page 7.

1897 "Newark," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 4.

1899 Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York), January 25, 1899, Page 5.
A deed, transferring the plant of the Newark Water-Works Company to Charles F. Sweet for a consideration of $37,500, was filed at Lyons yesterday.

1899 "Certificates of Incorporation," Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York), May 16, 1899, Page 2.
City Water Company, of Newark, Wayne county; capital, $80,000.

1899 "Newark Interested in Municipal Idea," Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York), September 14, 1904, Page 3.
Investigation Being Made With Regard to Water Plant - Plant Suggested.

1904 "Will Own the Waterworks," Democrat and Chronicle (Rochester, New York), January 6, 1905, Page 4.
Newark People Vote on Municipal Question. Plant will cost $50,000.

1905 An act to validate the proceedings of the board of trustees, and of the qualified electors, of the village of Newark, relative to the submission and adoption of propositions to purchase the water works plant and system of the city water company of Newark, and to issue the bonds of said village to pay for the same, and to raise funds for the purpose of improving and extending said system, and to legalize the bonds to be issued for said purposes.  April 11, 1905.

1905 "Contracts Relating to ownership of pipes and hydrants on grounds of Asylum, by Village of Newark," December 7, 1905, Annual Report of the Attorney General

1919 Application of the Village of Newark for approval of its acquisition of a source of water supply and construction of a water supply system. Approved May 28, 1919.

© 2018 Morris A. Pierce