Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
North Central States
Ohio Bellville

Bellville, Ohio

Bellville was first settled in 1808.

The Belleville Aqueduct Company was incorporated in 1850 by John Young, D. A. Phelps, Seth W. Ellis and George C. Howard "to construct suitable means for conveying water from the farm of John Young, three miles south of Belleville, to a reservoir or reservoirs, at or near said town, for the purpose of supplying the citizens of said town with water for all purposes."  No evidence has been found that this company constructed a system.

The Ohio State Board of Health examined a test water supply well in Bellville in 1915 and found it satisfactory.  The village contracted for water works the following year.

Water is supplied by Village of Bellville.

1850 An act to incorporate the Belleville Aqueduct Company.  March 21, 1850.

1915 Thirtieth Report of the State Board of Health of the State of Ohio for the six months ending June 30, 1915.
Page 133:  Belleville was visited by one of the assistant engineers January 21, 1915, at which time a preliminary examination of sites for public supply wells was made.  Later a test well was installed and samples collected March 25th were examined in the laboratory of the Board.  The resulted indicated that the water was of good quality.  On April 13, 1915, Belleville was again visited by one of the assistant engineers, at which time the site of the test well was examined.  It was found to be satisfactory.

1916 Opinions of the Attorney General of the State of Ohio
Pages 109-114:  Opinion dated January 3, 1916. Question from Village of Belleville. "It is the Duty of the Council of a Village, When it Orders the Construction of a Water Works Plant, to Immediately Establish a Board of Trustees of Public Affairs for the Village, Which Board Shall Prepare Plans and Specifications Therefor, Subject to Approval of Council, and Shall Advertise for Bids and Enter Into a Contract With Lowest and Best Bidder—Such Board May Adopt Action of Council in Advertising for Bids"

© 2016 Morris A. Pierce