Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
North Central States
Ohio Lancaster

Lancaster, Ohio

Lancaster was incorporated as a city in 1831.

The city built a system for fire protection in 1877 and added a standpipe in 1879.  The system was expanded to provide domestic service in 1882.

Water is supplied by the city of Lancaster.


1882 Lancaster, from Engineering News 9:209  (June 24, 1882)

1882 Lancaster from "The Water-Supply of Certain Cities and Towns of the United States," by Walter G. Elliot, C. E., Ph. D.

1883 History of Fairfield and Perry counties, Ohio. Their past and present, by Albert Adam Graham
Page 186:  Water works.
Lancaster passed the bucket-line era many years ago, and attained the dignity of possessing two or three fire engines, worked and moved by hand. These were employed until 1867, when a steam fire engine was purchased, at a cost of $7,600, including hose and fixtures. This was used four or five years, when the city exchanged it for two smaller ones, paying a difference of $5,500. Up to this time, the water for extinguishing fires was drawn from the canal, four or five cisterns on Main and High streets, and from wells and cisterns. In 1877 the city built a brick engine house on the canal, at the foot of Chestnut street, and placed therein an engine and pumping machinery.  From this house mains were laid up Chestnut street to Columbus, north on Columbus to Main, east on Main tp High, and south on High to the old cemetery lot on the hill, where the standing pipe was afterwards placed. Plugs tapped this main at convenient points. Other mains have since been laid. The stand-pipe referred to was erected by the Motherwell brothers, in January 1879. This pipe, which is built of boiler iron, stands seventy-six feet above the ground, is eighteen feet in diameter, and will hold something over 2,200 barrels. The cost of the stationary engine and pumps, a quantity of hose, the mains and plugs, was $4,500; that of the standing pipe was $5,000, which includes the main connecting it with the engine house. In 1881 the city built an engine and hose house near the stand-pipe. It is built of brick, and is two stories high, the second floor being designed for a fireman's hall.  Lastly, a large well was placed opposite the west end of Wheeling street, which is fed by springs and supposed to be inexhaustible. It is twelve feet in diameter, and about the same in depth. A new engine of 150 horse-power is planted on the canal. This places the fire department of Lancaster at an advantage not excelled by any town of its size in the state in combatting a fire.

1888 "Lancaster," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 1.

1890 "Lancaster," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 2.

1891 "Lancaster," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 3.

1894 Report of the State Board of Health of the State of Ohio
Pages 61-64:  Investigation of a Proposed Extension of the Water Supply of Lancaster

1897 "Lancaster," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 4.

© 2018 Morris A. Pierce