Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
North Central States
Ohio Steubenville

Steubenville, Ohio

Steubenville was founded in 1787.

The first waterworks were built in 1810 by the Steubenville Water Company, which was incorporated by Bazaleel Wells, Samuel Hunter, David Hoge, John England, Thomas Henderson, John Galbreath, Joseph Beatty, Zacheus Biggs, Sampson S. King, David Larimore, Hans Wilson, Thomas McKean Thompson, John C. Bayless, James G. Henning, Jacob Feches, Brice Viers, William R. Dickinson, Thomas Scott, William Hamilton, Obediah Jennings, and Benjamin Tappan.  This system operated using wooden logs until about 1820.

The town built new water works in 1835 and water was flowing through the new cast-iron pipes on January 26, 1837.  The cost of works as reported to Council was $34,801.

The waterworks are currently owned by the City of Steubenville.  History of the Steubenville Water Department

1810 AN ACT to incorporate a Water Company in the town of Steubenville, January 10, 1810.

1835 "Water Works," The Pittsburgh Gazette, June 19, 1835, Page 2.
Article from Steubenville Herald about the Steubenville water works..

1880 History of Belmont and Jefferson Counties, Ohio: And Incidentally Historical Collections Pertaining to Border Warfare and the Early Settlement of the Adjacent Portion of the Ohio Valley, by John Alexander Caldwell
Page 466:  Steubenville in 1814.  There were but four wells in town - at McKinney's saw mill, Jake Ricart's (near Kenyon's shop), the "Tommy Gray: well (now under Loaden's saloon), and the "Titus" well (corner of Market and Eighth streets).  Prior to 1812, the town was supplied with water through hollow logs, that conveyed it to different parts of the town from Springs west of seventh street, between Market and Washington street, the logs being laid southeasternly around Elliott's tannery to Market street.  Under the pavement in front of the tannery, and at other points, also were stone cisterns; and by these primitive methods was the town supplied until 1820, when they gave out, and hauling water from the river in large barrels was the chief method down to the establishment of the water works in 1836.
Pages 471-472:  The City Water Works

1882 Steubenville, from Engineering News 9:411 (December 2, 1882)

1888 "Steubenville," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 1.

1890 "Steubenville," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 2.

1891 "Steubenville," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 3.

1897 "Steubenville," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 4.

1897 Centennial souvenir of Steubenville and Jefferson County, O., by J.H. Andrews and C.P. Filson
Pages 42-50:  Water Works. Description and Historical Sketch of the Finest Plant of its kind on the Ohio RIver.  History of the Water Companies and Systems of Steubenville During the Past Century.
Page 44:  High pressure system

1898 "Water System of Steubenville," Fire and Water 23:74 (March 3, 1898)

1910 "Progress in Water Supply," from 20th Century History of Steubenville and Jefferson County, Ohio and Representative Citizens by Joseph Beatty Doyle
Page 380:  In the meantime, James Collins, mayor, had been requested to visit Pittsburgh and obtain information concerning the water system of that city.  The mayor made an exhaustive report of his trip - the annual expenses incurred and the income derived from the system.

1898 "Water Works of Steubenville," Fire and Water 23:74 (March 5, 1898) | Part 2 |

1918 "Plot to Blow Up Steubenville Water Works Discovered," The Pittsburgh Gazette Times, April 27, 1918, Page 7.
Bomb planted at vital point.  Town's water supply would have been cut off if explosion occurred.

1928 "Narrative of Thomas McKean Thompson" by Thomas McKean Thompson, The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography Vol. 52, No. 1 (1928), pp. 59-77.  Thompson was president of the Steubenville Water Company. 

© 2015 Morris A. Pierce