Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Middle Atlantic States Pennsylvania Erie

Erie, Pennsylvania

Erie was first settled in 1753 and was incorporated as a city in 1851.

The borough of Erie was authorized to construct water works in 1838, and to borrow $50,000 to pay for them.  What, if anything, was done with this authority is unclear, but on April 16, 1841, the Hon. Thomas H. Sill and others petitioned the borough council "to take immediate measures to bring water into the Borough as a protection against fire."  The council on June 11 authorized the town clerk "to advertise for bids for bringing the water into town in wooden logs."  Rufus S. Reed and Thomas G. Cold were appointed a committee and were authorized "to contract for bringing the water into town in wooden logs and devise ways and means to  defray the expense." The work was completed by the fall of 1841.   In 1853 local citizens agitated for a better system, but nothing was done until 1865.

The Erie Water and Gas Company was incorporated in 1865 "for the purpose of introducing water and gas into the city of Erie, water to be taken from lake Erie, or from any other point, which may be deemed most expedient."   C. M. Reed, John Hearn, John W. Shannon, Joseph McCarter, J. C. Selden, S. A. Davenport, W. S. Brown, W. F. Rindernecht, A. Scott, J. O. Burgess, L. A. Morrison, V. M. Thompson, O. Noble, Conrad Brown, A. B. Kellogg, R. J. Pelton, G. W. Starr and A. H. Gray were appointed commissioners for the company..

Philadelphia engineer Henry Peter Miller Birkinbine (1819-1886) was engaged to prepare a water supply study in July, 1866, although two 1896 histories differ on whether the city or Water and Gas company engaged him.  His February 26, 1867 report estimated the cost at $850,000 and recommended the water be taken from Presque Isle Bay.  Birkinbine had been chief engineer of the Philadelphia water works for ten years and designed many water system.

On March 9, 1867 the Erie Gas Company's charter was amended to allow it to introduce water into the city.

On March 11, 1867, the Erie Common Council directed the Mayor to contract with the Erie Water and Gas Company for fifty fire hydrants at $180 each per year, but included a proviso that the company was not to begin construction for a year, and if the city had started to build their own water system in that time the contract would be void, but the city would pay any expenses the company had incurred.

A law passed on April 4, 1867 created a board of water commissioners, which proceeded to build a system after much debate about the water source and between a tank and stand pipe.  The commissioners contracted with Birkinbine to design the works and chose Lake Erie as the water source.  They ended up building a tall standpipe supplied by two Cornish Bull engines with a capacity of 5 million gallons per day.  The works were placed in operation in November, 1868 and completed the following year. 

Erie Water Works Building, from The Architectural Review and American Builders' Journal 2::203 (October, 1869) Pumping station and standpipe after 1894 addition of an ornamental finial of six feet, Pumping station with 1887 addition and 1894 ornamental finial from Annual Report of the Board of Water Commissioners to the Councils of the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1897

An additional pump as added in 1887 and a major expansion and rebuilding was undertaken in 1912, including a hypochlorite plant in 1912, removal of the stand pipe in 1913, and a filter plant was placed into service on June 28, 1914.

A 1937 law abolished the Board of Water Commissioners and the city took over direct ownership of the water system on September 1, 1937.  An immediate savings was effected by reducing the salaries of the water system managers, which had become excessive.

The Erie County Water Authority was formed by the city council on September 23, 1966 and leased the city's water system on April 1, 1991 for a period of 25 years, which has been extended to 2050.  The Authority took over the water system on January 1, 1992.

Water service is provided by the Erie City Water Authority, commonly known as the Erie Water Works, which has a history page.

Erie Water Works Wikipedia page

1838 An act empowering the Burgess and Town Council of the borough of Erie, in the county of Erie, to borrow money, and to supply the said borough with water, and for other purposes.  April 13, 1838.

1862 The History of Erie County, Pennsylvania, by Laura G. Sanford
Pages 106-107:  In 1835, Erie was authorized to borrow $50,000 to supply the borough with water.  This contemplated improvement was never carried out.
In 1841, Erie was supplied with water by wooden pipes communicating with a spring a mile or two distant, the expenses being paid by consumers.

1865 An act to incorporate a water and gas company, in the city of Erie.  March 16, 1865.

1867 An act to extend the provisions of the act incorporating the Erie Gas Company, over South Erie and a portion of Mill Creek township, and to authorize the said company to introduce water wherever it is authorized to introduce gas and to increase its capital stock and to borrow money.  March 9, 1867.

1867 A further Supplement to the charter of the city of Erie, to provide for the appointment of water commissioners, and to define their powers and duties.  April 4, 1867.

1868 A further supplement to an act to incorporate the city of Erie.  April 2, 1868.  Sections 8 and 10 refer to the Water Commissioners.

1868 Pittsburgh Weekly Gazette, September 15, 1868, Page 2.
The Erie City Iron Works have recently completed for the Erie Water Works a stand pipe two hundred and twenty feet high, five feet in diameter and weighing twenty-five tons.  It cost $8,000, and it said to be the tallest stand pipe in the world.

1869 "Water-Works Buildings, Erie, Pa.," The Architectural Review and American Builders' Journal 2:201-204 (October, 1869) | also here |
[Exerpt] The most imposing feature is the standpipe, (the highest in the world.) it is a straight, wrought iron tube, 5 feet in diameter and 217 feet high, resting upon a east iron base plate. This pipe is used to equalize the flow of water from the pumps, all shocks or waves being lost in it, and as the city did not feel that at present it could afford a reservoir, a uniform pressure upon the street mains is maintained by this stand-pipe. Its mode of construction was similar to the Irishman’s who built his house by holding up one brick and laying another under it. For the upper sheets were ri vetted together and held up while the next series were attached below, and thus the pipe was slowly raised by adding to the bottom until it was complete and rested upon its base.
On account of the cold and stormy weather at Erie, the standpipe is enclosed, and a spiral staircase passed around the iron pipe, and between it and the enclosing wall, whereby visitors can reach the summit and enjoy a grand view of the city, lake, and the country for miles which can there be had. For those more timid a less elevated lookout is provided on top of the engine house. Mr. Birkinbine, the engineer, can boast of not only introducing the use of the standpipe into American waterworks, but of constructing the highest. The first he erected at Germantown Water-works, in Philadelphia, in 1851; it is one hundred and thirty (130) feet high. The second at West Philadelphia Water-works, in 1854; it is 130 feet high, with a spiral staircase surrounding it.  The third at Kensington (Philadelphia) Water-works, 170 feet high, handsomely ornamented at the top. The fourth at Camden, N. J., with a finial covered with patent metal, and last but largest at Erie, 217 feet high.

1870 "Petroleum Gas and Fuel.  The Boilers of the Erie Water Works Heated by Gas from a Well," The Pittsburgh Commercial, May 6, 1870, Page 1.

1870 "The Erie Water Works," The Titusville Herald, November 5, 1870, Page 3.

1871 Annual Report of the Water Commissioners of the City of Erie, May 1, 1871.

1873 "A Description of the Stand Pipe Water Works, at Erie, Pennsylvania," The South-Bend Weekly Tribune, October 11, 1873, Page 1.

1879 Annual Report of the Board of Water Commissioners to the Councils of the City of Erie, for the Fiscal Year Ending April 30, 1879.

1880 Annual Report of the Board of Water Commissioners to the Councils of the City of Erie, for the Year and 2-3ds  Ending December 31, 1880.
Page 5:  During the year eight feet have been added to the height of the Stand Pipe to give a greater force to the current though the 20-inch main.

[1880] Erie City Water Works; height of stand pipe 23 ft. [label on back reads "237 ft"}

1881 Erie, from Engineering News, 8:333 (August 20, 1881)

1882 Erie, from "The Water-Supply of Certain Cities and Towns of the United States," by Walter G. Elliot, C. E., Ph. D.

1883 Annual Report of the Board of Water Commissioners to the Councils of the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1883.

1884 Annual Report of the Board of Water Commissioners to the Councils of the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1884.

1884 History of Erie County, Pennsylvania
Page 515:  The borough was authorized, in 1835, to borrow $50,000 for the purpose of furnishing a water supply for the town, but the project was never carried out.  In 1841, water was brought from a spring a mile or two distant, through wooden pipes, each consumer to pay $1 rate for his supply.  These were the first water works that Erie possessed, and, doubtless, were of much service in furnishing the borough with good water.
Pages 543-545: "Water Works"
Page 544:  The standpipe tower, built to inclose the standpipe, is octagonal in shape. Forty-five feet above its foundation, throughout which distance the tower is brick, a belt of stone five feet high is placed; thence upward it is a circular brick tower. Its total height is 217 feet, and its total elevation 237 feet above the surface of the bay, while an additional sixteen feet has been added to the stand-pipe since its erection, making it 253 feet above the water level—the highest stand-pipe in the world. A spiral stairway in the interior ascends to the top of the tower, which is suitably decked and enclosed by an iron railing. The visitor may here obtain the finest view imaginable of the city, harbor and lake.

1885 Annual Report of the Board of Water Commissioners to the Councils of the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1885.
Page 31:  The Standpipe is 247 feet high.

1886 County of Erie versus Commissioners of Water works in the City of Erie, 113 Pa. 368,  April 29, 1886, Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
A municipality owning property, in this case water works, from which revenue is derived is subject to a county tax.

1886 Annual Report of the Board of Water Commissioners to the Councils of the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1886.

1887 Annual Report of the Board of Water Commissioners to the Councils of the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1887.
Page 35:  The Standpipe is 251 feet high.

1888 Annual Report of the Board of Water Commissioners to the Councils of the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1888.

1888 "Erie," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 1.

1888 "A Partial List of Stand-pipes of the United States," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 1. [Note:  this list is not included in any known electronic version of this volume.]
Their heights, diameters, thickness and other details of construction.  Classified first in order of diameters and secondly in order of heights.
Erie - 233 feet, 16 feet added since first built

1888 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map from Erie, Erie County, Pennsylvania. September, 1888.
Sheet 4 shows Erie Water Department with 251' water tower
Sheet 36 includes description of water system

1888 The city of Erie : with illustrations of its public buildings, churches, schools, summer resorts and some of its residences, business blocks, manufactories and citizens. | also here | also here |
Page 22:  The raising of the iron stand-pipe, which is a straight wrought-iron tube five feet in diameter, and 217 (now 233) feet high, was a feat worthy of special record. It was accomplished in a way suggested by George Selden, Esq., of the Erie City Iron Works, contractors, by the use of heavy blocks and tackle rigged on a derrick. The top of the pipe was first raised a short distance and stayed. The next lower section was then put on, and so, section by section, until the full height of the pipe was reached. Around this pipe the brick tower was afterwards built. It rests on a very heavy foundation of stone, is octagonal in shape, and extends with tapering sides to a height of 31 feet above the level of the lake. Its base area is a circle of 24 feet. Forty-five feet above the top of this foundation--the intervening distances being built of brick--is a belt course of stone five feet high--and from thence the stand-pipe is a circle, inside of which is a spiral staircase to the top (251 feet above the surface of the lake), of the platform, which is 14 feet in diameter, enclosed in a substantial iron railing for the safety of visitors. The tower is lighted by nine windows. It is claimed (and we think the claim is correct) to be the highest water works stand-pipe in the world.

1889 Annual Report of the Board of Water Commissioners to the Councils of the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1889.

1890 Annual Report of the Board of Water Commissioners to the Councils of the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1890.

1890 "Erie," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 2.

1891 Manual of the City Councils of the City of Erie, Pa., April, 1890 to April, 1891.
Pages 32-34:  Annual Rates for City Water

1891 Annual Report of the Board of Water Commissioners to the Councils of the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1891.

1891 "Erie," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 3.

1892 Annual Report of the Board of Water Commissioners to the Councils of the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1892.

1893 Commissioners of Water Works in the City of Erie, Pa: Mr. Amerman, from the Committee on the Public Lands, Submitted the Following Report:[To Accompany H. R. 9826.]

1893 An act granting certain rights and privileges to the commissioners of water works in the city of Erie, Pennsylvania.  February 23, 1893.  2nd Session, 52d Congress

1893 Annual Report of the Commissioners of the Water Works in the City of Erie, to the Mayor and Councils, for the Year Ending December 31, 1893

1894 Annual Report of the Commissioners of the Water Works in the City of Erie, to the Mayor and Councils, for the Year Ending December 31, 1894.
Page 6:  It was found advisable to add six feet to the iron part of the Stand Pipe, on which was placed an ornamental finial of six feet, making the increased height twelve feet. The total elevation of the Stand Pipe above the zero level of the bay is now 259.65 feet.

1895 Erie, Pa., 1872, Stand-pipe Accidents and Failures, by Prof. Wm. D. Pence, 33:287, Engineering News, 33:287 (April 25, 1895) Example of buoyant action of ice in a stand-pipe.

1895 Submerged Cast Iron Pipe Intake for the Water-Works of Erie, Pa., by Walter C. Brough, Designing and Constructing Engineer, Engineering News, 34:277-278. ( December 5 1895) | Illustration on page 374  |

1895 Annual Report of the Commissioners of the Water Works in the City of Erie, to the Mayor and Councils, for the Year Ending December 31, 1895

1896 "The Engineering Work on the New Water-Works Intake at Erie, Pa.," Engineering News, 35:42 (January 16, 1896)

1896 On Lake Erie as a Water Supply for the Towns on its Borders, by George W. Rafter, read before the Microsopical Club of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, January 13, 1896.  Reprinted from the Buffalo Medical Journal 36(1):10-25 (August, 1896)  | Correspondence from Dr. William G. Bissell 36(4):307-308 (November, 1896) |

1896 "Water Department," from Nelson's Biographical Dictionary and Historical Reference Book of Erie County, Pennsylvania, by Benjamin Whitman

1896 "History of the Water Works at Erie, Penn'a.," by Wm. W. Reed," from Thirtieth Annual Report of the Commissioners of the Water Works in the City of Erie, to the Mayor and Councils, for the Year Ending December 31, 1896.

1897 Thirty-First Annual Report of the Commissioners of the Water Works in the City of Erie, to the Mayor and Councils, for the Year Ending December 31, 1897

1897 "Erie," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 4.

1898 Thirty-Second Annual Report of the Commissioners of the Water Works in the City of Erie, to the Mayor and Councils, for the Year Ending December 31, 1898

1899 Thirty-Third Annual Report of the Commissioners of the Water Works in the City of Erie, to the Mayor and Councils, for the Year Ending December 31, 1899

1900 Thirty-Fourth Annual Report of the Commissioners of the Water Works in the City of Erie, to the Mayor and Councils, for the Year Ending December 31, 1900

1900 Sanborn Insurance Maps of Erie, Pennsylvania 
Sheet 1:  Water facilities, modified gravity and direct pressure system of water works.  Gravity system covers all that portion of the city lying North of 19th Street, and is supplied through 30 inch main by Worthington Compound Duplex Pump of 12 million galls. capacity, which is run at a uniform rate of speed, the surplus water feeding, and deficiency supplied from a reservoir of 35 million galls. capacity, located on 26th st. at an elevation of 237 ft. above city datum, also feeding a stand pipe at water works, which acts as an equalizer.  Pressure at City Hall, 60 lbs. per sq inch.
Direct pressure system covers all that portion of the city lying South of 19th St. and is supplied by Worthington Compound Pump of 8 million gals. capacity through 20 inch main.  One Gaskill Pump of 5 million galls. capacity is held in reserve, and can be used on either system.  Pressure at highest point of service 65 lbs. per sq. inch.
Average daily consumption seven million galls. 100 miles of water pipes, 4 inch to 30 inches diameter.  500 Single and 100 double hydrants.
Sheet 51 shows Erie Water Dep't Pumping Station with Standpipe 251' High, 5' diameter

1901 35th Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1901.

1902 36th Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1902.

1903 An act providing for the conveyance by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to the commissioners of waterworks in the city of Erie, of certain lands on the Peninsula known as Presque Isle, in Erie county, Pennsylvania.  April 29, 1903.

1903 37th Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1903.

1904 38th Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1904.

1905 39th Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1905. | another copy |

1906 40th Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1906.

1907 41st Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1907.

1908 "Laying Erie's New Intake," Municipal Journal 25(6):168 (August 5, 1908)

1908 42nd Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1908.

1909 43rd Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1909.
Page 106:  Stand Pipe.  The standpipe was erected in 1868. It was five feet in diameter and 259.65 feet high. A spiral staircase surrounded it and all enclosed in brick.
In 1908 a portion of the stand pipe was taken down by taking off 90.93 feet of the brick work and 25.7 feet of the steel pipe above the brick work, on account of its weakened condition, leaving its height at 143 feet. The stand pipe has not been in use for some years.

1910 44th Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1910.

1911 45th Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1911.

1912 46th Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1912.| another copy |

1913 An act authorizing the commissioners of water-works of any city of the third class, wherein the title to the water-works therein located Is In the name of the commissioners of water-works, to extend their pipes and Improvements beyond the city limits and supply water to persons, corporations, and municipalities within the county, and regulating the supply of water.  June 13, 1913.

1913 "Water Purification at Erie," Municipal Journal, 35(3):72 (July 17, 1913)

1913 47th Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1913. | another copy |
Page 71:  The standpipe has not been in use for some years, and was taken down in September, 1913.

1914 48th Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1914. | another copy |

1915 Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Convention of the American Railway, Bridge and Building Association, held at Detroit Mich. October 19-21, 1915.
Page 153: Tanks over 50 years old.
1867 Erie, Pa.  Standpipe, size not given, erected in 1867, taken down in 1913, plates in good condition, enclosed with brick, never painted, either inside or outside.

1915 "The High Duty Pump at Erie," Fire and Water Engineering 58(18):308  (November 3, 1915)

1915 49th Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1915.

1916 "The Erie Water Works," Fire and Water Engineering, 60(11):201 (September 13, 1916)

1916 50th Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1916.

1917 51st Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1917.

1918 52nd and 53rd Annual Reports of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1918-19.

1920 54th Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1920.

1921 55th Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1921.

1921 Sanborn Insurance maps of Erie, Pennsylvania, Volume  1  | Volume 2 | Volume 3 |

1922 "The Erie Water Works Plant," by J. N. Chester and J. S. Dunwoody, Journal of the American Water Works Association, 9(1):26-38 (January, 1922) | also here |

1922 56th Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1922.| another copy |

1923 57th Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1923.| another copy |

1924 58th Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1924

1925 A souvenir and history of the Erie Water Works : dedicated to the Central States Water Works Association convention held in the city of Erie, Penna. October 9th and 10th 1925.

1925 59th Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1924

1925 History of Erie County, Pennsylvania, by John Elmer Reed.
Page 291:  June 25, 1841, R. S. Reed and Thomas G. Colt were appointed a committee with power to contract for bringing water into Erie in log pipes. This was then secured, and a Pump-log Water Works was constructed at the cost of $442.28, bringing the water from Ichabod's Run near Seventeenth and Peach streets to the village below the park.
Pages 298-300:  Erie's first water works was a system of log pipes laid under ground about 1840 or 1841, which brought excellent spring water down town from the springs on the Reed Farm south of Eighteenth and west of Parade Street, until other supplies were gradually introduced. The Reed House was the last taker of water from that old system.
In 1865, an act of the legislature incorporated John W. Shannon and a few other men of the city under the style of "Erie Water and Gas Company," and organized with a capital of $100,000 under the provisions of the general corporation law of the state of March 11, 1857, and the Mayor and Councils of the city were duly authorized to contract with the company for water and gas. The Erie Gas Company took steps to compete for this water business by securing the passage of an act permitting them to insert the word "water" in their charter, wherever it formerly authorized them to introduce "gas".
The problem of selecting the source from which the water supply was to be taken, provoked much heated argument, and the holding of numerous public meetings until the election of Orange Noble for Mayor, in 1867, on a platform of immediate city improvements, when the Act of Assembly of April 4, 1867, was passed entitled "A further supplement to the charter of the city of Erie, to provide for the appointment of Water Commissioners, and to define their powers and duties." On June 29th, 1867, the first Board of Water Commissioners was organized under this act, the members having been William L. Scott, Henry Rawle, and William W. Reed, who had been appointed by the court under the provisions of the act. They appointed as their secretary, Mr. William Brewster, and Mr. Birkenbine was chosen as their engineer to plan and superintend the construction of the water works. The plan used at Detroit was finally adopted, but shortly after was changed to the one which was constructed. One of the features of the city perspective was the tall tower of the water stand-pipe which was a wrought iron tube five feet in diameter and two hundred and seventeen feet in height, surrounded by a brick tower. Between the tube and the wall of the tower was constructed a spiral stair case reaching to a balcony upon the top of the tower, from which a most wonderful view of the surrounding countryside could be obtained.
The manner of raising this great tube was conceived by Mr. George Selden, of the Erie City Iron Works, who suggested the raising of the top section a short distance from the ground, then attaching the next section to it, and then section by section in like manner, until the entire tube was standing in place. Nine windows pierced the walls of the tower. Subsequent additions to it reached the total height of 260 feet above the normal level of the bay, constituting this water stand-pipe tower the highest of its kind in the world. A reservoir was constructed on Twenty-sixth Street of an area of seven acres, the bottom of which is 210 feet above the surface of the bay, and holds 34,000,000 gallons of water. A later reservoir was constructed upon the high ridge of land farther south, which affords better water pressure to the southern portions of the city.
But the great improvement made by the water department, and which has spared the City of Erie further ravages of typhoid fever, was the construction of a new intake pipe far out into the open lake. The water drawn through it is treated chemically and filtered at the new plant on the peninsula, from whence it is forced into and through the city. Since this improvement has been in operation, no cases of the dread disease have been traceable to the water served by this department.

1926 60th Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1926

1927 61st Annual Report of the Commissioners of Water Works, in the City of Erie, for the Year Ending December 31, 1927

1937 To amend section three thousand five hundred and one as amended, and sections three thousand five hundred and forty and three thousand five hundred and eighty of the act, approved the twenty-third day of June, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-one (Pamphlet Laws, nine hundred thirty-two), entitled "An act relaling to cities of the third class; and amending, revising, and consolidating the law relating thereto," vesting the legal title of waterworks in cities heretofore owning the equitable title to such waterworks; providing for the management, operation, and maintenance of such waterworks; and repealing inconsistent general, local, and special laws.  March 10, 1937.

1937 "Erie Will Save $9800 Yearly by Salary Cut," The Harrisburg Evening News, September 1, 1937, Page 2.

1962 "The Water Works," Chapter 23 of Erie, A History, by Herbert Reynolds Spencer

2013 A History of Presque Isle: As Told through Conversation with the Park’s Legendary Hermit, Joe Root, by Eugene H. Ware
Page 246:  Waterworks Park - Part I
Page 262:  Waterworks Park - Park II

© 2016 Morris A. Pierce