Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Middle Atlantic States Pennsylvania Henrysburg

Henrysburg, Pennsylvania

Henrysburg in Centre County was founded in 1818 by Henry Walbon.

In 1909 the Pennsylvania Water Supply Commission published a list of the earliest water systems in Pennsylvania, and showed Henrysburg village having installed one in 1819. 

Laws in 1829 and 1849 confirmed the right for Henrysburg to levy a tax to maintain the water pipes.  This laws were repealed in 1897, dissolving the borough of Henrysburg.

The Rebersburg Water Company was incorporated on September 11, 1896 "to supply water to inhabitants of Rebersburg and vicinity, in Miles Township." 

The Miles Township Water Authority East was formed in 2005 and acquired the assets of the Rebersburg Water Company in June 2006.

Water is provided by the Miles Township Water Authority East.

1829 An act authorising the citizens of the town of Henrysburg, in the county of Centre, to levy tax on real property, for the purpose of keeping in repair the pipes conveying the water to said town. November 30, 1829.

1849 A supplement to an act erecting Henrysburg, in the county of Centre, into a borough. January 31, 1849

1897 An act to repeal the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth sections of an act, entitled "A supplement to an act erecting Henrysburg, in Centre county, into a borough," approved the thirty-first day of January, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, July 20, 1897.

1909 Annual Report of the Water Supply Commission of Pennsylvania

© 2015 Morris A. Pierce