Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Middle Atlantic States Pennsylvania Laporte

Laporte, Pennsylvania

Laporte was incorporated as a borough in 1853.

The Laporte Gas and Water Company was incorporated in 1859 by Michael Meylert, William A. Mason, Dr. F. Fleschut, Charles C. Finch, William Meylert, B. S. Cheeners, John S. Green, Chapman Baldwin, T. J. Ingham, and Dr. Charles H. Dand for "introducing into the borough of Laporte a sufficient supply of gas and pure water."  This company installed a gravity system using wood pipes, that may have operated until the early 1900s.

The Mokoma Spring Water Company was incorporated in 1910 with the following officers:  President, C. J. Pennock; Vice President, W. C. Mason; Secretary, Albert H. Heess; Treasurer, Edward Ladley; Solicitor, F. W. Meylert; Engineer, W. C. Mason.  This company built a new gravity system.

The Mokoma Spring Water Company was purchased acquired by the Borough of Laporte on December 5, 1942.  [Thanks to Brenda Urner with Laporte Borough for providing this information.].

Water service is provided by Laporte Borough.

1859 An act to incorporate the Laporte Gas and Water Company.  April 13, 1859.

1859 Bradford reporter (Towanda, Pennsylvania), June 9, 1859, Page 3.
The Sullivan County Democrat chronicles the following signs of progress:
Improvements.- The Laporte Gas and Water Company are now engaged in laying down pump logs, for the purpose of conducting water into town, from what is known as the "cold spring," situate one-half mile south of this place.  The water is to be brought in logs to a large reservoir, which will be erected above the court house, and from thence be conducted by pipes to different parts of the borough.  The water is of very superior quality, and always flows in great abundance from the fountain-head.  The improvement will be of great benefit to the town, and reflects much credit upon the principal mover, Mr. Michael Meylert.

1859 Lewisburg Chronicle, June 17, 1859, Page 1
The Laporte Gas & Water Company are now engaged in laying down pump logs, for the purpose of conducting water into town, from what is known as the "cold spring," situate one-half mile south of the Muncy road.  The water is to be brought in the logs to a large reservoir, which will be erected above the Court House, and from thence be conducted by pipes to different parts of the borough.  The water is good and the supply abundant. The enterprise reflects much credit upon the little town, and upon is enterprising projector, Michael Meylert, Esq.

1894 Sullivan Republican (Laporte, Pennsylvania), July 27, 1894, Page 3.
Laporte's water supply is down to low water mark.

1905 Republican News Item (Laporte, Pennsylvania), February 23, 1905, Page 3.
The water supply was temporarily shut off from the court house and jail on Saturday and Sunday, owing to frozen pipes.

1910 "LaPorte Water Company Formed," Republican News Item (Laporte, Pennsylvania), August 26, 1910, Page 2.
President, C. J. Pennock; Vice President, W. C. Mason; Secretary, Albert H. Heess; Treasurer, Edward Ladley; Solicitor, F. W. Meylert; Engineer, W. C. Mason.

1910 Republican News Item (Laporte, Pennsylvania), September 9, 1910, Page 2.
"An ordinance granting permission to 'Mokoma Springs Water Company,' a corporation, to supply the Borough of Laporte, Pennsylvania, with water, and for that purpose to lay and maintain the necessary mains, pipes, fixtures, and sewers, under, through, along and upon the streets, alleys and public highways and lots of said borough." 

1910 Republican News Item (Laporte, Pennsylvania, September 9, 1910, Page 2.
"Notice of Application for Charter," September 19, 1910, Mokoma Spring Water Company.  F. W. Meylert, Solicitor

1910 "Bids Wanted," Republican News Item (Laporte, Pennsylvania), November 4, 1910, Page 2.
3000 feet of trench for laying of water mains. Mokoma Spring Water Company.

1911 Republican News Item (Laporte, Pennsylvania), July 21, 1911, Page 1.
The Mokoma Spring Water Co. will shortly extend its line of pipes to the Court House, the Laporte Hotel and the Cheney cottage.

1920 "Laporte Borough, Sullivan County," Water Resources Inventory Report, Part VI, Water Supply Commission of Pennsylvania
Makoma Springs Water Company, incorporated from small private system 1910 for LaPorte Borough.

1949 "A History of Laporte, County Seat of Sullivan County, Pennsylvania," by Mrs. Guy M. Baldwin, Now and Then 9:109-121 (July, 1949)
Page 116: Michael Meylert. In March, 1860, he advertises that he has hemlock pump logs for sale, and will sell those with a l½" bore for 10¢ per rod.  He furnished the town of Laporte with a water system, and it was in use as long as the wooden pipe lasted. Mrs. Cheney remembers it well. Without pumps, the water was supplied to the town from a large cold spring on the topmost peak of the mountain, higher than the town, where the present reservoir is located today.
Page 119: Here is preserved the first prospectus sent out about Lake Mokoma, in 1888. Mokoma is an Algonquin word meaning spring water, and the beautiful lake below the village of Laporte was made by damming up a mountain valley fed by four streams and 50 springs. The dam was put in in 1887 by the Lake Mokoma Land Company, and lots laid out about the lake were offered for sale and hotel accommodations in Laporte advertised.

2007 Laporte Borough Public Water System, Water System Improvements

© 2017 Morris A. Pierce