Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Middle Atlantic States Pennsylvania Lock Haven

Lock Haven, Pennsylvania

Lock Haven was settled in 1769, incorporated as a borough in 1844 and as a city in 1870.

The Lock Haven Gas and Water Company was incorporated in 1854 and built a gas system, but not a water works.

The Lock Haven Water Company was incorporated in 1863 by Philip M. Price, L. A Mackey, H. L. Dieffenbach, Allison White, William Parsons, Charles Blanchard, J. W. Chapman, Phaon Jarrett, Simon Scott, H. T. Beardsley, C. A. Mayer, S. D. Ball, William White, David Carskaddon, Jacob Grafius, D. M. Peck, Jacob Bower, Nehemiah Shaw, Henry Hipple, James T. Leyden, W. W. Morrison, B. R. Petriken, W. A. Simpson, Rufus Reed, James Chatham, G. C. Harvey, A. Farrandsworth, Jacob Brown and Proctor Myers "for the purpose of introducing, from any stream of water within the county of Clinton, into the said borough of Lock Haven, a sufficient supply of pure water."

The Borough of Lock Haven built water works in 1869 distributing water from a reservoir through cement-lined wrought-iron pipe.

Water is provided by City of Lock Haven.

1854 An act to incorporate the Lock Haven Gas and Water Company.  February 11, 1854.

1863 An act to incorporate the Lock Haven Water Company.  April 15, 1863.

1882 Lock Haven, from Engineering News  9:179 (June 3, 1882)

1883 History of Centre and Clinton Counties, Pennsylvania by John Blair Linn
Page 542:  Lock Haven Water-Works. — Lock Haven is supplied with water from works constructed and owned by the city. The water is obtained in the gap of the Bald Eagle Mountain, about one and a half miles south of the city, where the city constructed two reservoirs, having a capacity of twenty million two hundred and fifty thousand gallons. The stream from which the water is taken is fed by never-failing mountain-springs. The water is conveyed to the city through a ten-inch patent wrought-iron and cement pipe, laid in the ground below freezing-point, and passes under the bed of the Bald Eagle Creek. The distributing-pipes are eight-, six-, four-, and three-inch pipes, to which the service-pipes are attached.  The larger reservoir, located a few rods above the smaller, has an average depth of fifteen feet over four acres of land, and its elevation above the city is one hundred and seventy-five feet, which gives a force sufficient to throw a stream from the fire-plugs over the highest buildings.
There are now laid in the city fifteen miles of pipe, which supply seven hundred and twenty-five patrons of the water works, also sixty-four plugs, conveniently located throughout the city. Cost of the works, one hundred and twenty thousand dollars; annual receipts, seven thousand dollars. Superintendent of water-works, E. A. McGill.

1888 "Lock Haven," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 1.

1890 "Lock Haven," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 2.

1891 "Lock Haven," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 3.

1897 "Lock Haven," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 4.

© 2017 Morris A. Pierce