Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Middle Atlantic States Pennsylvania  Moyamensing

Moyamensing, Pennsylvania

Moyamensing was created in 1816 and became part of city of Philadelphia in 1854.

Moyamensing entered into an agreement with the City of Philadelphia for a supply of water on January 6, 1832.

Water service is provided by the City of Philadelphia.

1843 An act to authorize the Commissioners of the incorporated districts of the county of Philadelphia to construct works for supplying said districts with water from the Schuylkill river.  April 18, 1843.

1856 A Digest of the Acts of Assembly Relating to the City of Philadelphia and the (late) Incorporated Districts of the County of Philadelphia, and of the Ordinances of the Said City and Districts, in Force on the First Day of January, A.D. 1856
Page 675:  Moyamensing. The commissioners of Moyamensing on January 6, 1832, entered into a contract (recorded in deed book A. M., No. 22, pages 390,. 394, &c.,) with the city, for a supply of Schuylkill water to the district; on January 2, 1845, a new agreement was made between them, of a like tenor with that between Southwark and the city, to continue in force the same period of time.

© 2018 Morris A. Pierce