Documentary History of American Water-works

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Middle Atlantic States Pennsylvania Rebersburg

Rebersburg, Pennsylvania

Rebersburg in Centre County was founded in 1809 by Conrad Reber.

In 1909 the Pennsylvania Water Supply Commission published a list of the earliest water systems in Pennsylvania which showed Rebersburg village having installed one in 1809.  An 1826 act authorized the election of water commissioners in the town "to superintend the pipes and other works which now supply the said said town with water, and to keep the same in complete repair."

An 1883 history states that "The town boasts of two corporations, created by legislative enactment, whose duty is to supply the town with water," but the identity of these companies has not been established.

The Rebersburg Water Company was incorporated on September 11, 1896 "to supply water to inhabitants of Rebersburg and vicinity, in Miles Township." 

The Miles Township Water Authority East was formed in 2005 and acquired the assets of the Rebersburg Water Company in June 2006.

Water is provided by the Miles Township Water Authority East.

1826 An act authorising the erection of certain dams in navigable streams, for erecting a bridge over Swatara creek, declaring certain creeks public highways, respecting a public well in Burgetts town, and for other purposes.  April 10, 1826.  Sections 8-11 provide for election of water commissioners in the Town of Rebersburg "to superintend the pipes and other works which now supply the said said town with water, and to keep the same in complete repair."

1828 An act relating to keeping in repair the pipes with supply Rebersburg, in Centre county, with water and for other purposes.  April 9, 1828.

1883 History of Centre and Clinton Counties, by John Blair Linn
Page 356:  Reberburg contains at present two hundred and twenty inhabitants. ... The town boasts of two corporations, created by legislative enactment, whose duty it is to supply the town with water, but it is to be regretted that frequently they are not equal to the task, the pipes freeze up, and the people have to rely on their cisterns.

1909 Annual Report of the Water Supply Commission of Pennsylvania

2006 The Pennsylvania Bulletin, 36 Pa.B. 3676, Saturday, July 15, 2006, Transfer of well permits from Rebersburg Water Association to Miles Township Water Authority East.

© 2015 Morris A. Pierce