Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Middle Atlantic States Pennsylvania Renovo

Renovo, Pennsylvania

Renovo was incorporated as a borough in 1866.

The Renovo Gas and Water Company was incorporated in 1864, but did not build anything.

The Borough of Renovo was authorized to build water works in 1873 and built a gravity system that was accepted on January 7, 1874.

The Renovo Borough Water Authority was incorporated on October 22, 2010.

Water is provided by the Renovo Borough Water Authority.

1864 An act to incorporate the Renovo Gas and Water Company.  May 4, 1864.

1873 An act to authorize the borough of Renovo to erect water works and to supply the said borough with water.  Marsh 27, 1873.

1882 Renovo, from Engineering News, 9:387 (November 11, 1882)

1882 Renovo from "The Water-Supply of Certain Cities and Towns of the United States," by Walter G. Elliot, C. E., Ph. D.

1888 "Renovo," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 1.

1890 "Renovo," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 2.

1891 "Renovo," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 3.

1892 Historical and biographical work: or, past and present of Clinton County, by J. Milton Furey
Page 257:  Renovo Borough Water Works.  Renovo procures its water supply from Petes' run, in the mountains at the south of the borough. The reservoir, which has a capacity of 3,500,000 gallons, was built in 1873. The contract for the erection of the basin was awarded by council, July 31st, 1873, to Patrick Shelley and Frank Harvey, of Renovo. Work was commenced that month, and was completed in November of the same year. It was formally accepted by council for the borough on January 7th, 1874. The amount paid Shelley and Harvey for the work was $7,085.44. On July 21st, the council also awarded a contract to V. B. Scheid and H. T. Jarrett, of Lock Haven, for putting in the water pipes, plugs, etc. The size of pipe is as follows: Prom the reservoir to and across the river, ten inches; on Brie avenue from Third to Ninth streets, six inches ; on cross streets, four Inches. The amount paid Scheid and Jarrett was $39,373.53. In later years the pipe was extended on all the streets from Ninth to Seventeenth. In October, 1891, a new ten-inch main was placed in on Huron avenue, at a cost of $5,000. In the summer of the same year, a new reservoir, with a capacity of 1,300,000 gallons was built on Petes' run, at a point one-quarter of a mile above the old reservoir, the object of which is to hold a reserve supply of water for emergencies. Water from this upper dam is conducted by troughs to the main basin. The improvement was made at a cost of $1,300. The water is of the best quality, coming from springs in mountain ravines. The revenue in water rents from patrons of the works is from $3,800 to $4,300 per year. Council now has under consideration plans for the reconstruction of the old reservoir, by erecting stone walls and grouting the bottom.

1897 "Renovo," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 4.

© 2019 Morris A. Pierce