Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Middle Atlantic States Pennsylvania Reserve Township

Reserve Township, Pennsylvania

Reserve Township was incorporated as a township in 1835.

The Spring Garden Water Company was incorporated in 1864 by G. Wettach, A. Weise, Francis Pope, K. Schlegel, A. Freund, Charles Kiefer, Doctor F. Hardtmeyer, John Schaad, F.  Beilstein, Charles Zehnder, Gust Kann and Samuel Hasley.

The only other evidence of this company's existence is a payment by Allegheny City for some water pipes and an 1868 court case.  It may also have been connected to the Spring Garden Run Borough incorporated in 1883 and the current Spring Garden neighborhood in Pittsburgh.  Parts of Reserve Township have been annexed to Allegheny City and the City of Pittsburgh.

Water is provided by the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority.

1864 An act incorporating the Spring Garden Water Company, in the county of Allegheny.  April 8, 1864.

1868 Pittsburgh Daily Post, November 24, 1868, Page 1.
The Courts: Miller vs. Spring Garden Water Co.

1868 "Allegheny Councils," Pittsburgh Gazette, December 11, 1868, Page 8.
Mr. Brown, from the Water Committee, submitted the report of said committee, accompanied by a resolution authorizing the Controller to pay over to the Spring Garden Water Company three $1,000 watwer bonds in full, of consideration for water pipes furnished by the company.

1897 Boro of Spring Garden,, Parts of Reserve Twp, Allegheny City

© 2019 Morris A. Pierce