Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Middle Atlantic States Pennsylvania Schuylkill Haven

Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania

Schuylkill Haven was settled in 1750 and incorporated as a borough in 1840.

The Schuylkill Haven Gas and Water Company was incorporated in 1855 with Samuel H. Shannon, Moses Reed, B. F. Kotner, Charles Huntzinger, Jacob Kantiver, George Kaufman, Daniel Saylor, Morgan Medler, John Rudy, John W. Shoemaker, John Dougherty, Lewis Royer, Philip Palm, Jacob Deibert, Charles Christ, Daniel Small, John Deibert, Isaac Krupp, John G. Kochler, Henry Hesser, John W. Deibert, Peter Laubenstein, and Daniel H. Stager appointed as commissioners to sell stock "for making, raising and introducing into the borough of Schuylkill Haven and West Haven, a sufficient supply of gas and pure water."  This company did not build anything.

A second Schuylkill Haven Gas and Water Company was incorporated in 1865 by Henry Voute, William B. Rudy, L. L. Huntzinger, Charles 8. Leader and Joshua Heiser "for making, raising and introducing, into the borough of Schuylkill Haven, in the county of Schuylkill, a sufficient supply of gas and pure water."  This company began offering gas service in 1882 and started installation of water pipes in 1884.  Water was introduced on June 25, 1885.

After many years of negotiations, the borough bought the company and took ownership of the water system on April 30, 1921.

Water is provided by the Borough of Schuylkill Haven.

1855 An act to incorporate the Schuylkill Haven Gas and Water Company.  April 9, 1855.

1865 An act to incorporate the Schuylkill Haven Gas and Water Company.  February 14, 1865.

1888 "Schuylkill Haven," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 1.

1890 "Schuylkill Haven," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 2.

1891 "Schuylkill Haven," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 3.

1893 Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania: Comprising a Historical Sketch of the County, by Samuel T. Wiley
Page 174:  The borough has kept pace in local improvements with the other boroughs of the county. The Schuylkill Haven Gas and Water Company was organized in 1881, for the purpose of supplying Schuylkill Haven and Cressona with gas and water. It is a stock company with a capital of $75,000 in bonds and $100,000 in stock.
Caleb A. Home, of Philadelphia, has been president of it since its organization.
G. S. Loyer, of Roxborough, Philadelphia, has also been secretary of it since its organization.
William B. Rudy was treasurer from organization up to January 1, 1891, when G. S. Moyer succeeded to that position, which he still holds.
Henry Steck, of Philadelphia, was manager from 1881 to 1884, when William H. Mellon, of Schuylkill Haven, succeeded him.
In 1882 this company began to supply gas, and in_1885 water works were put in operation.
In 1891 the borough of Schuylkill Haven put up an electric light plant which is used to light the streets and most of the business places.

1897 "Schuylkill Haven," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 4.

1907 History of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, edited by Adolf W. Schalck and D. C. Henning.
Page 252: The Schuylkill Haven Gas and Water company was organized in 1881 with a capital stock of $175,000. The corporation supplies gas and water to the borough of Cressona and Schuylkill Haven, the two plants being constructed and in operation within four years after organization of the company. In 1891 the borough put in an electric light plant which is now used for lighting the streets and the principal business places, as well as many of the residences.

1911 "The Water Question" and "Notice to the Electors of the Borough of Schuylkll Haven," The Call (Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania), February 10, 1911, Page 2.
Election to approve raising of $50,000 to build water works.

1911 "Special Election.  $50,000 Loan Carries 647 vote yes, 9 vote no," The Call (Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania), February 17, 1911, Page 1.

1919 "Water Co. Offers to Sell for $150,000," The Call (Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania), February 7, 1919, Page 1. | Page 2 |

1920 "Loan Carried by Big Majority," The Call (Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania), August 10, 1920, Page 1.

1921 "Water Co. Property was Transferred," The Call (Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania), May 6, 1921, Page 1.

1939 The Call (Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania), September 15, 1939, Page 17.
On Thursday, June 25, 1885, water was turned into the water main.

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