Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Middle Atlantic States Pennsylvania Sewickley

Sewickley, Pennsylvania

Sewickley was incorporated as a borough in 1853.

The borough was authorized to build water works in 1873 and constructed a system that began service the following year.

The Borough of Sewickley Water Authority was incorporated on February 28, 1980 to take over the borough's water system.

Water is provided by the Borough of Sewickley Water Authority

1873 An act authorizing the erection of water works in the borough of Sewickley by commissioners, and the issue of borough bonds, and the levy of a special water tax. February 21, 1873.

1882 Sewickley, from Engineering News, 9:239 (July 15, 1882)

1882 Sewickley from "The Water-Supply of Certain Cities and Towns of the United States," by Walter G. Elliot, C. E., Ph. D.

1888 Fifteenth annual report of the Commissioners of the Sewickley Water Works to the borough council

1888 "Sewickley," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 1.

1889 "The Supply and Pump Wells of the Sewickley, Pa., Water-Works," Engineering News 22:100 (August 8, 1889)

1889 History of Allegheny county, Pennsylvania : including its early settlement and progress to the present time ; a description of its historic and interesting localities ; its cities, towns and villages; religious, educational, social and military history ; mining, manufacturing and commercial interests, improvements, resources, statistics, etc. ; also, biographies of many of its representative citizens, by Thomas Cushing
Pages 201-202:  The question of an adequate water-supply began to be agitated in 1872. A public meeting was held in the schoolhouse in May of that year to consider the advantages of Peebles' run as a source of supply, but no definite action was taken. June 15, 1872, a second meeting was held, George H. Christy, Esq. , presiding. The sense of the meeting was expressed in a series of resolutions, in which it was urged that water-works should be established under the auspices of the borough, and controlled by a "water commission," invested with full powers to provide the proposed system and regulate its operation. One hundred and eighty-eight citizens, a majority of the property-holders of the borough, indorsed this action. Thus fortified and encouraged by public sentiment, the town council, June 24, 1872, passed an ordinance appointing Theodore H. Nevin, D. N. White, Eobert Watson, J. W. F. White and William Harbaugh commissioners for the erection of the Sewickley water works, authorizing them to take such measures as their judgment should approve. The commission organized July 6, 1872, with D. N. White as chairman. It became an incorporated body by act of the legislature February 21, 1873. No other source of supply was at first contemplated than the Ohio river. This was strongly objected to on account of alleged impurities from the cities above, and finally abandoned in favor of Peebles' run. Mr. John Birkenbine, a hydraulic engineer of some celebrity, was consulted in deciding upon a site for the reservoir, which was constructed agreeably to plans furnished by Messrs. Edeburn & Cooper, of Pittsburgh. The works were completed and placed in operation in October, 1873. The rapid growth of the town has rendered the supply from Peebles' run inadequate during the summer months, and recourse to the river is thus rendered necessary, but the system is otherwise entirely satisfactory.

1890 "Sewickley," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 2.

1891 "Sewickley," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 3.

1898 Sewickley Water Works Commissioners v. Sewickley Borough, Appellant, 159 Pa. 194, December 30, 1893, Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

1897 "Sewickley," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 4.

© 2019 Morris A. Pierce