Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
Middle Atlantic States Pennsylvania Tylersville

Tylersville, Pennsylvania

Tylersville is an unincorporated community in Clinton County. Pennsylvania.

The Tylersville Water Company was incorporated in 1859 by John Beerly, John Kleckner, Isaac K. Frantz, Thomas Grieb, Christian Grieb, John M. Byerly, Jacob Spangler, George Shaffer, Tobias Frantz, Henry Rooney, J. C. Byerly, and Emanuel Grimes "to convey water from any point which they may deem expedient, where pure water may be obtained in a sufficient quantity for the use of the inhabitants of Tylersville, in the county of Clinton."

The Tylersville Water Supply Company was incorporated on October 23, 1902 to supply water to the village of Tylersville, Logan Township, Clinton County.  This company built a gravity system distribution water from elevated springs.  A 1965 article suggests that the company may have bought an earlier system built by William Bletz, a local miller.

The Tylersville Mutual Water Association was formed in 1958 to buy the Tylersville Water Supply Company.

Water service is provided the Tylersville Mutual Water Association.

1859 An act to incorporate the Tylersville Water Company.  April 13, 1859.

1902 Money 1(6):29 (October 25, 1902)
Page 315:  Pennsylvania Charters. Tylersville Water Supply Co.- Capital stock, $1,000.  Treasurer, H. D. Grieb, Tylersville.  Directors:  N. N. Kooney, W. H. Weaver, W. N. Kooney, F. B. Miller, N.I. Blerley, Tylersville.

1914 Industrial Directory of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Volume 1
Page 588:  Tylersville Water Supply Company, W. H. Weaver, Secretary, Tylersville, Pa., Clinton County.

1965 "Land Controversy Stalls Tylersville Water Assn. Plans," The Express (Lock Haven, Pennsylvania), May 7, 1965, Page 6.
The Tylersville Mutual Water Association was formed in 1958 to buy and operate the water system then owned by Mr. McCaleb, who had bought it from Henry Grieb.  Earlier it had been owned by William Bletz, a miller, whose spring and water course were utilized for the first attempt to supply water to the village.

© 2017 Morris A. Pierce