Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
South Atlantic South Carolina

South Carolina

South Carolina became a state in 1788.

1896 An act to authorize all cities and towns to build, equip, and operate a system of water Works and electric lights and to issue bonds to meet the cost of same.  March 2, 1896.

1897 An act to amend an act entitled "An act to authorize all cities and towns to build, equip, and operate a system of water Works and electric lights and to issue bonds to meet the cost of same," approved the second of March, A.D. 1896, and to validate bonds issued thereunder.  March 5, 1897.

1899 An act to prevent the City or Town Council of Cities or Towns of over Forty-five Thousand Inhabitants Increasing the Debt of such Cities or Towns except in the manner herein prescribed.  February 15, 1899.

1901 An act to ratify the Amendment to Section 7, Art. VIII, of the Constitution, Relating to Municipal Bonded Indebtedness.  February 8, 1901.

1902 An act to Empower Cities and Towns of this State to Give Exclusive Franchises to Persons or Corporations Furnishing Water or Light thereto, Respectively, Under Certain Conditions.  February 26, 1902.


1821 1 Columbia
1880 2 Charleston
Note: The second column in the chronological table above shows the order in which systems were built in the state. Where no number is shown, a company was formed but no evidence has been found that the system was constructed.

© 2015 Morris A. Pierce