Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
New England States Vermont Newport

Newport, Vermont

Newport was organized as a village in 1862 and incorporated as a city in 1917.

The first water works was built by Emmons Raymond in 1863 to supply water to the Memphremagog House through iron pipe. This may be the Raymond Water Company that was operating as late as 1916.  Raymond's grandson, Arthur Emmons Raymond, was the principal designer for the Douglas DC-3.

The Newport Water Company was organized in August, 1864 and incorporated in December, 1864 for supplying the Town of Newport.  Stockholders included James Stimpson, Alfred Randall, Phileas Page, Barck and Pindar, Amos Barnes, Mark S. Palmer, George W. Heath, Jerry Drew, and the Connecticut and Passumpsic River Railroad Company.  The company declared bankruptcy in 1869, and little else is known about it.

The Newport Aqueduct Company was incorporated in 1878 by A. W. Brown, J. A. Prouty, F. M. Sherman, D. M. Camp, C. G. Goodrich, Horace Lawrence, and H. S. Root "for the purpose of constructing and maintaining an aqueduct to supply the inhabitants of the village of Newport with water for domestic and other purposes."

The Village of Newport was authorized to construct water works in 1878 and built a system in 1885 that was expanded in 1895.  The city bought the Raymond water system in 1920 for $10,000.

Water is supplied by the City of Newport.

1864 Charter of the Newport Water Company.  December 24, 1864.  From the Vermont State Archives.

1869 Burlington Weekly Free Press, March 26, 1869, Page 3.
In the matter of the Newport Water Co., Bankrupt.

1878 An act to incorporate the Newport Aqueduct Company.  November 21, 1878.

1878 Map of the Village of Newport

1883 Gazetteer and Business Directory of Lamoille and Orleans Counties, Vt., for 1883-84
Page 288: The finest point of view is at Prospect hill, in the western suburbs of the village, which commands an extensive prospect, taking in the lake, the fine scenery of the surrounding towns, the valleys of Barton and Black rivers, and Coventry bay. Here are located the extensive grounds and fine summer residence of Mr. Emmons Raymond, comprising an area of twenty-seven acres, containing the village reservoir and a fine pine grove. Mr. Raymond has also in process of erection a large green-house, which he intends to stock with a choice collection of plants.
The construction of the water-works was begun in 1863, for the purpose of supplying the Memphremagog House. Water was brought from springs in Salem, (since annexed to Derby,) in iron pipes through the lake.  In 1877, the reservoir above mentioned was built, giving a fine head of water. It is oval in, form, 30 x 60 feet and ten feet deep. There are now about sixty-five families supplied, in addition to, the Memphremagog and Bellevue hotels, the railroad depot, and tanks for supplying locomotives. The works are the property of Mr. Raymond, who has made a large outlay in their construction.

1885 Burlington Free Press, July 24, 1885, Page 4.
The laying of pipes for the Newport water works is finished, and last week a preliminary trial was made with some of the hydrants.

1888 "Newport," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 1. 

1890 "Newport," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 2.

1891 "Newport," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 3.

1892 Cambridge Tribune, August 20, 1892, Page 1.
Death of Emmons Raymond.
Mr. Emmons Raymond, a prominent and successful railroad man, died at his home, 389 Broadway, this city, Thursday morning, at the advanced age of 86 years. Mr. Raymond was troubled with a stomach complaint for several months past, but was able to attend to business until three or four weeks ago, when became worse and was confined to his home.
He was born in Shutsbury, Massachusetts, September 13, 1806 and was the son of Asa and Huldah Raymond, whose diamond wedding is the only one on record in this State, they living together seventy-five years and six months, dying at the ages of 97 and 96 years. In November of 1822, Emmons Raymond came to Boston and entered the employ of his brother, Edward A. Raymond, who was then a merchant of West India goods on Elm Street. Six years later, he entered into partnership in the same business with his brothers, Edward A., and Zebina L. and was located on South Market Street and under Faneuil Hall until 1858, when that building was given over to city market purposes. It was in this year he retired from the business to which he had so long been devoted and became interested in railroad affairs. His future career from thence on shows his close connection with and activity in railroading.
When the Concord Railroad was organized, he became one of its directors, and continued as such for a number of years. In 1850, he was chosen a director in the Connecticut and Passumpsic Rivers Railroad, continuing so until his death, being president of that company from 1870 until 1887. He was one of the forty original subscribers to the stock of the Atchison Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, which company he helped Col. Holliday organize. He was the principal force behind many Boston investors in the company. He was also on the board of directors of AT&SF from February 1869 until May 1873. By his death, the presidency of the Newport and Richford Railroad becomes vacant, a position which he has held for the past twelve years, being connected with the railroad since its beginning. At the time of his resignation from the Passumpsic River Railroad, it was said of him: “Mr. Emmons Raymond, for sixteen years president of the Passumpsic River Railroad, has resigned his position. For nearly thirty years, he has been connected with this railroad and his associates in the management of the road will cheerfully bear testimony to the fact that the success of the railroad has been largely brought about by his indefatigable services. If he had owned every dollar of the stock, he could not have labored with greater zeal or have been more mindful of its interests. There is no department of the corporation with which he is not familiar and there is not a mile of railroad that he has not personally inspected, travelling on foot to look after its condition, Mr. Raymond will on the 13th instant complete his eightieth birthday. Age has not impaired his intellect or stiffened a joint in his frame. No man in New England has done more hard work than he and yet he enters now upon a new field of enterprise with all the courage and push of a young man. It is well known that Mr. Raymond, with his son, has recently erected at South Pasadena, Los Angeles County, California the finest hotel on the Pacific Coast, which will be opened this fall. His investment of several hundred thousand dollars in this enterprise will require his attention, and for this reason he retires from the Passumpsic Railroad.’
Mr. Raymond was one of the original organizers and directors of the Massawippi Valley Railroad, being a director at the time of his death. It was he who formed the company which built the Profile and Francoma Notch Railroad and was the first President, chosen to preside over its destinies. He held the office from 1881 to 1886. He built the Raymond Hotel at East Pasadena, California in 1886 and in many towns situated along the Passumpsic Road, he was interested in and built water works as well as various businesses. He built the water works for the town of Newport, Vermont. Mr. Raymond married Mehitable C. Monroe of Boston on June 4, 1833 an she survives him. He also leaves five children: Henry E., Thomas C., Charles A., Walter, and a daughter Mrs. Mary J. Cook, wife of Rev. Henry A Cook of Cambridge. Mr. Raymond lived on McLean Street, Boston, until 1863 when he moved to the fine mansion on Broadway, this city, which has since been his home. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 2:00pm. Interment will be in Mount Auburn Cemetery.

1893 Burlington Weekly Free Press, June 29, 1893, Page 7.
T. C. Raymond has sold the Raymond water works to Messrs. Key, Newcomb & Farrell, together with 15 acres of land and two houses.

1894 An act to enable the village of Newport to bring water into said village and to issue bonds for that purpose.  November 24, 1894.

1895 The St. Johnsbury Caledonian, August 2, 1895, Page 6.
The Newport water works are expected to be ready by September 10th  The gang of Italians at work at the Derby end struck on account of the danger in digging a deep ditch lately.  Means will be taken to secure it from caving in.

1897 "Newport," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 4.

1902 "Newport Water Case is Decided by Supreme Court," Barre Evening Telegram, October 18, 1902, Page 1.

1904 John Stiles, Collector of Taxes, v. Village of Newport, 76 Vt. 154, January 7, 1904, Supreme Court of Vermont.

1916 Twentieth Report of the State Board of Health of the State of Vermont, January 1, 1914 to December 31, 1915.
Page 63: Newport. The supply is by gravity from Derby Pond six miles from the village. The system includes one reservoir. The watershed is inhabited, but not near the pond. This system also supplies a portion of West Derby. The water is not filtered or treated in any way. The system is owned by Newport Corporation.
Newport.  A second system owned by Raymond Water Company supplies about one hundred families. This is a gravity system from springs. The watershed above the springs is not inhabited.

1922 The Caledonian-Record (St. Johnsbury, Vermont), May 17, 1922, Page 1.
The Raymond water system, formerly supplied all Newport with water, and was bought by the city from L. F. Kay, two years ago for $10,000.

1922 "Newport Mayor Gives Facts on Water System," Caledonian-Record, October 6, 1922, Pages 1,5.
Criticizes act of buying Raymond Water System.

1926 Beautiful waters : devoted to the Memphremagog region in history, legend, anecdote, folklore, poetry, drama, by William Bryant Bullock
Pages 176-177:  As was stated by W. E. Bryant, night editor of the Boston Journal, some forty years ago, who came to Memphremagog for many successive summers to spend his vacations, and invariably planned to arrive in Newport on a week-end and enjoy a social recreation among other congenial guests at the Memphremagog House— in publishing the experiences of his trip in the Journal of Aug. 28, 1882: "The traveller finds the Memphremagog House one of the finest hotels in New England. " Also in the same article, in commenting on the attractiveness of Newport, says: "Mr. Emmons Raymond, president of the  Passumpsic Railway, has expended a large sum of money in Newport. He has constructed water works which supply not only the hotel with pure drinking water, but also very many of the villagers. He is now completing a large  greenhouse on the summit of Prospect Hill where he expects to raise sufficient grapes to supply the hotel table.
Mr. Raymond is over 70 years of age, but is more energetic than most men at 40. He keeps a sharp eye on the management of the hotel; he looks carefully after the Passumpsic Railway; he keeps an eye on the Mt. House located at the base of Owl's Head; he looks after the big steamer Lady of the Lake, chartered by the Pass. Railway Co.; and, as an old lady remarked: 'He's all over the lot  at once.' Mr. Raymond feels an honest pride in the improvements about Newport and the lake, and, although materially he may never realize much from his investments, he is foresighted and public-spirited enough to do something to benefit the next generation."

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