Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
New England States Vermont St. Albans

St. Albans, Vermont

St. Albans was first settled during the Revolutionary War.   

On November 4, 1801, Reuben Tuller, Nathaniel Burton, and Warren Munson were granted a charter to incorporate an Aqueduct in the vicinity of Bella-ma-queen Bay in St. Albans, as they "have been at great expense in conveying water in an aqueduct, a great distance, and cannot continue fully to enjoy the benefit of the same, without legislative assistance." No additional information on this system has been found.

The St. Albans Aqueduct Company was chartered on November 22, 1864 but apparently did not start construction until after a large fire in St. Albans in 1869.  The Village of St. Albans contracted with the Aqueduct Company in April 1872 to construct a system, and in September 1872 the company's charter was amended to allow the Village to buy the system.  Construction was supervised by J. T. Fanning, the contractor was Goodhue & Company, and cement-lined wrought-iron pipe was used.  The system was apparently transferred to the Village of St. Albany on March 12, 1874 and the St. Albans Messenger has many good articles in its archive about the system and especially its attorney.

The St. Albans water system is currently operated by the City of Saint Albans.

1801 An act to incorporate the proprietors of an Aqueduct in the vicinity of Bella-ma-queen Bay, in St. Albans, into a company for the purpose herein mentioned.  November 4, 1801.

1864 An act to incorporate the St. Albans Aqueduct Company, November 22, 1864.

1871 "Water Works," St. Albans Messenger and Transcript, February 24, 1871, Page 4.

1872 "St. Albans Water Works," Daily Messenger (Saint Albans, Vermont), May 20, 1872, Page 3.
Award of contract. List of bidders and prices.

1872 St. Albans Daily Messenger, October 12, 1891, Page 3
The contractors of the Aqueduct Company offer two dollars for eight hours' work and a chance for any one choosing to dig by the rod to make four dollars a day.

1873 Act of Incorporation and By-laws of the Village of St. Albans includes 1872 St. Albany Aqueduct Company charter amendment.

1882 St. Albans from Engineering News 9:75 (March 4, 1882)

1882 St. Albans, from "The Water-Supply of Certain Cities and Towns of the United States," by Walter G. Elliot, C. E., Ph. D.

1888 "St. Albans," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 1.

1890 "St. Albans," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 2.

1891 "St. Albans," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 3.

1897 "St. Albans," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 4.

© 2015 Morris A. Pierce