Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
New England States Vermont Wallingford

Wallingford, Vermont

Wallingford was chartered in 1761.

The Wallingford Aqueduct Society was incorporated in 1820 by Daniel Roberts, Joel Hill, Zepheniah Hull, William Fox, Jr., John Fox and James Rustin "for the purpose of completing, repairing and enjoying said aqueduct."  The language in the charter indicates that the incorporators had built or started a water system, but no further information on this company has been found.

The Wallingford Aqueduct Company was incorporated in 1874 with no specified incorporators.  No further information on this company has been found.

The Wallingford Water Company was incorporated in 1906 by H. B. Barden, A. G. Stone, L. S. Whitney, B. W. Aldrich and W. R. Spaulding "for the purpose of furnishing the village of North Wallingford, in the town of Wallingford,"  This company built a system and began service on July 1, 1909.  The charter allowed the company to "take any aqueduct, or aqueducts, now in use or in process of construction.

The Wallingford Fire District No. 1 was authorized to acquire the water system in 1929.

The Wallingford water system is owned by the Wallingford Fire District No. 1

1820 An act to incorporate an aqueduct society in Wallingford, October 27, 1820.

1874 An Act to incorporate the Wallingford Aqueduct Company, November 20, 1874.

1893 USGS Wallington VT Quadrangle map showing Wallingford, East Wallingford, and South Wallingford.

1906 An act to establish Fire District No. One of Wallingford, Vermont, and granting certain gives not given to it by the statutes. December 14, 1906  SEC. 3. The prudential committee of said fire district is
authorized and empowered to make contracts and expenditures with any company or individuals to furnish a water supply for said district under the direction of the voters of said district.

1906 An act to incorporate the Wallingford Water Company, December 14, 1906

1913 An act to amend section 5 of No. 341 of the acts of 1906, entitled "an act to incorporate the Wallingford Water Company,"  January 7, 1913.  Authorized to increase its capital cost.

1916-1929 Biennial Report of the Public Service Board, State of Vermont Includes several annual reports of the Wallingford Water Company, including its sale in early 1929.

1929 An act to amend Section 3 of No. 305 of the Acts of 1906, as amended by No 273 of the acts of 1919 relating to Fire District No. 1 of Wallingford:  To authorize said Fire District to acquire a water system and to issue bonds therefor.  February 19, 1929

© 2015 Morris A. Pierce