Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
North Central States
Wisconsin Janesville

Janesville, Wisconsin

Janesville was incorporated as a city in 1853.

The Janesville Manufacturing and Hydraulic Company was incorporated in 1855 by J. B. Doe, Chauncy P. King, J. D. Rixford, Ira Miltimore and J. F. Willard, "for the purpose of supplying said city with water, by hydrants or otherwise, to protect it from the ravages of fire, as well as to afford a plentiful supply for domestic and other purpose."  An 1871 amendment changed the corporated to J. B. Doe, Alexander Graham, Ira Miltimore, John Watson, Anson Rogers, A. C. Bates, Joseph A. Wood, R. B. Treat, Hiram Merrill, G. A. Libby, Henry Crane, James Bintliff, J. D. Rexford, C. B. Withington and Joseph James.

The city of Janesville granted a franchise to the Boston firm of Turner, Clarke, and Rawson in May 1887, who incorporated the Janesville Water Company on July 16, 1887.  The system began service in June 1888.

The city and company had a difficult relationship with many legal proceedings, but the city ended up buying the company in 1915 and took possession on April 1, 1915.

Water is provided by the City of Janesville.

1855 An act to incorporate the Janesville Manufacturing and Hydraulic Company.  March 13, 1855.

1871 An act to amend an act entitled “an. act to incorporate the Janesville Manufacturing and Hydraulic Company," approved March 13, 1855.  March 14, 1871.

1887 An act to amend chapter 171, laws of 1855, entitled, "an act to incorporate the Janesville Manufacturing and Hydraulic company."  April 2, 1887.

1888 "Janesville," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 1.

1889 "The Janesville Water-Works, Janesville, Wisconsin," Engineering News 22:50-52 (July 20, 1889)

1890 "Janesville," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 2.

1891 "Janesville," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 3.

1896 State ex rel. Attorney General vs. Janesville Water Company, 92 Wis. 496, March 10, 1896, Supreme Court of Wisconsin

1897 "Janesville," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 4.

1913 "In Re Determing and Fixing a Just Compensation to be paid to the Janesville Water Company by the City of Janesville for the taking of the property of said company," December 6, 1913.  Opinions and Orders of the Railroad Commission of the State of Wisconsin.

1914 "Three to One Vote Favored Purchase of Water Company," Janesville Daily Gazette, May 13, 1914, Page 5.

1915 "Purchase Agreement is Reached by City with Water Company," Janesville Daily Gazette, February 11, 1915, Page 5.

1915 "Water Case Again Taken into Court," Janesville Daily Gazette, April 1, 1915, Page 5.
City not a party, does not effect municipal ownership.

© 2017 Morris A. Pierce