Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography

Ownership and Financing of American Water Works
Howland & Ellis

Howland & Ellis

Arthur H. Howland was born in 1852 and at the age of 17 was a railroad surveyor's apprentice.  In 1875 he was working at the Indian Orchard Mills, probably for the recently incorporated Chapman Valve Manufacturing Company.  He listed himself as a civil engineer in the 1878 Worcester City Directory, and was a traveling agent for valves in 1880 U.S. Census.  He was an engineer for the Wallingford water works which were built in 1882 by William C. McClallan, who owned the Chicopee Water Company and was involved with the Chapman Valve firm in developing and building water works.  Howland compiled a catalog for the valve company in 1882 and according to testimony in an 1892 court case had the catalog copyrighted in his own name so that the company would have to pay him for it.  Howland was traveling through the Midwest in late 1884 soliciting water works franchises from cities such as Ann Arbor, Michigan, apparently as an employee of McClallan.  Howland was sent by McClallan to Montgomery, Alabama to secure a water works franchise in the Fall of 1885, which he did but in his own name, hoping to sell it to McClallan, who instead fired him. 

Howland made a connection with Herbert F. Dunham of the Cleveland engineering firm of Paine & Dunham, and secured construction contracts for systems in Menominee, Michigan and Sterling, Illinois in 1885.  Howland was also awarded a water works franchise in Montgomery, Alabama.  The following year he was president of the Racine Water Company and accepted its franchise in March, 1886.  In June he received a water works franchise for Durham, North Carolina, and also entered into a construction contract for the works in Eufaula, Alabama.  Howland engaged his brother-in-law George A. Ellis to work on the project in Racine, but Howland ran into difficulties and the company's stockholders transferred the management of the works to Turner, Clarke & Rawson, of Boston.   Howland also ran into difficulties in Durham and the city refused to accept the works.

At some point in 1887 Howland formed a partnership with Ellis under the name Howland & Ellis and they secured franchises in Decatur, Alabama and Marion, Ohio along with construction contracts in Watertown, South Dakota and for the town of Maynard, Massachusetts.  The two men published a book about their work in 1887, and another book about Decatur in 1889. 

Statistical Tables of American Water Works, 1885, Page 40 Statistical Tables of American Water Works, 1887, Page 50

How was the engineer on several water system while working for William C. McClallan, after which he constructed and secured franchises for several systems.  He appears to have been a part-owner of several of the systems he constructed, and the exact ownership arrangements remain unclear.  The firm also built several street railways systems.

Wallingford CT Borough 1882 The entire works were constructed by W. C. McClallan, of Chicopee, Mass., under the personal supervision of himself and his engineer, A. H. Howland
Quincy MA Quincy Water Co 1884 The contractor for the entire work is W. C. McClallan, of Chicopee. A. H. Howland is engineer, and Phineas Ball consulting engineer.
Marblehead MA Marblehead Water Co. 1885 City owns distribution system
Sharon MA Sharon Water Co 1885 Engr., A.H. Howland, Bostn.  Contr., Wm. C. McClallan, Boston.
Weymouth MA Town 1885 Mr. W. C. McClallan. Chicopee, was contractor.
South Framingham MA Framingham Water Co 1885 Engr., A.H. Howland, Bostn.  Contr., Wm. C. McClallan, Boston.
Kingston MA City 1886 Arthur H. Howland was employed as engineer.
Menominee MI Menominee Water Co 1885 Franchise to Menominee Water Company, May 7, 1884; construction contract to Howland
Sterling IL Sterling Water Co 1886 Franchise to Sterling Water Company, November 2, 1885; construction contract to Howland
Montgomery AL Capital City Water Company 1887 Franchise to Arthur H. Howland, October 7, 1885.
Racine WI Racine Water Co 1887 Franchise to Racine Water Company, March 18, 1886; accepted by A. H. Howland, president of the company. Transferred to Turner, Clarke and Rawsom.
Eufaula AL Eufaula Water Co 1888 Construction contract; Howland was part-owner
Durham NC Durham Water Co 1888 Franchise to A. H. Howland, June 12, 1886
Decatur AL Decatur Water Co 1888 Franchise to Howland & Ellis, September 20, 1887
Watertown SD Watertown Water-Works Co 1888 Construction contract January 9. 1888
Maynard MA Town 1888 Construction contract August 14, 1888; Howland sued the town and its officials for libel; bonds provided for surety were apparently forged.
Marion OH Scioto Water Co 1890 Franchise to Howland & Ellis, November 23, 1888

Howland did not get along with everyone and sued the water commissioners of the town of Maynard when it published a report criticizing his work and basically questioning his integrity.  He won the initial court case, but the verdict was overturned by the Massachusetts Supreme Court.  He also lost suits against the Town of Maynard and its inhabitants, and the George F. Blake Manufacturing Company.

In 1893 George F. Ellis left the partnership and Howland continued on his own, but ongoing legal difficulties led him to fake his own suicide at the end of December, 1893, which unraveled when reporters from the Boston Daily Globe tracked him down.  Little is known about his remaining life, and he died in 1923. 

Ellis built street railways and electric plants after severing his connection with Howland.  He died in 1903.

Arthur H. Howland George A. Ellis

1870 U.S. Census, Enfield, Massachusetts, June 8, 1870
Howland, Arthur H. Age 17, Surveyor works with R.R.

1870 U.S. Census, Worcester, Massachusetts, August 17, 1870
Howland, Arthur H. Age 17, Surveyors Apt

1875 Springfield City Directory, 1875-6, for the year commencing July 1st, 1875.
Page 25:  City Engineer —George A. Ellis; office, City Hall; office hours, 8 to 10 A. M., and 1 to 3 P. M.; salary, -$1,800.
Page 60:  McClallan C. & Son, (C. McClallan, William C. McClallan,) contractors, builders and brick manufacturers
Page 64:  A new enterprise in this village is the Chapman Valve Manufacturing Co., with a capital stock of $75,000. John T. Langford of Boston, is Treasurer and Agent, and Jason Giles is Superintendent. The buildings comprise a three-story brick shop, 100 feet by 35, and a brick foundry 70 feet by 40. These buildings were erected for this company by the Indian Orchard mills, and leased to them for a term of years. They manufacture steam and gas valves, which are said to rank as well if not better, than those of any other manufacture. Their shops have been running but a short time, and the demand is such that it is difficult to fill the orders. There are now about 50 hands employed by this Company, but this number will be increased to 100 as soon as the necessary machinery can be put in, and provision made for the new help.
Page 238: Howland A. H., emp Indian Orchard mills, h cor Hampden and Myrtle sts, I 0 [Indian Orchard]

1878 Worcester City Directory for year beginning January 15, 1878
Page 142:  Howland, Arthur H. civil engineer, 425 Main, boards 8 Loudon

1880 U.S. Census, Worcester, Massachusetts
Arthur H. Howland, Page 27, Traveling Agt (Valves)

1881 "The Massachusetts State Firemen’s Association," Fire and Water Engineering 8(18) (October 19, 1881) | also here |
Mr. A. H. Howland, representing the Chapman Valve Company, of Boston, explained the merits of the fire hydrants and valves the company had on exhibition. One hydrant that attracted especial attention, has four outlets, each being controlled by a distinct valve, so that when the water is let into the hydrant it may be discharged through one, two, three or four outlets, at the pleasure of the man in charge.

1882 Springfield City Director, 1882-3, for the year commencing July 1, 1882.
Page 196:  Howland, Arthur H., civil engineer, house 108 Hampden, I O [Indian Orchard]

1882 "Wallingford Water Works," Engineering News 9:435-436 (December 23, 1882)
Work was commenced Aug. 1, 1882 and finished Dec. 8.  The entire works were constructed by W.C. McClallan, of Chicopee, Mass., under the personal supervision of himself and his engineer, A.H. Howland.

1882 Gate valves and fire hydrants, manufactured by the Chapman Valve Mfg. Co., compiled by A.H. Howland.| worldcat link |

1884 Engineering News 11:291 (June 7, 1884)
The contract for the Menominee, Mich., Water-works has been let to C.E. Gray of St. Louis, Mo., who is at present also building the Duluth, Minn., Water-works. K.P. Corbyn, C.E., of 71 Major Block, Chicago, Ills. is to be Engineer in charge of construction at Menominee.  it is expected that the Holly Manufacturing Co., will supply the machinery.  Work will commence within 90 days.

1884 Engineering News 12:262 (November 29, 1884)
Menominee, Mich. - H.F. Dunham, of the firm of Dunham & Paine, civil engineers, Cleveland, O. has the contract for building the water-works.  The Lake Shore Iron Foundry, of Leveland, has the contract for furnishing eight miles of pipe.

1884 Engineering News 12:286 (December 13, 1884)
H.F. Dunham, of Cleveland, Ohio, whose name was mentioned in a recent number, in connection with water supply at Menominee, Mich., is the engineer of the works being built in that city.
Eastern parties began the work rather late in the season but were fortunate in securing the services of Mr. A.W. Inman, of Providence, R.I. (a brother of the Inmans in this city) who had entire charge of the pipe laying, and has pushed the work forward with his usual faithfulness and vigor.

1884 King's handbook of Springfield, Massachusetts
Pages 361-362:  The Chapman Valve Manufacturing Company have their works in Ward 8, Indian Orchard, on the line of the railroad owned by the Indian-Orchard Mills, running between the main line of the Boston and Albany and the Athol Railroads on Pine Street, facing Essex and Hampshire Streets. The present buildings consist of machine-shop, brass-finishing shop, pattern department, and blacksmith-shop on Pine Street, 285 feet long, and three stories high, all of brick, with power elevators, and all modern improvements. Opposite this is a large brick building for office, and storage for finished goods, connected with the finishing-shop by an iron bridge spanning the railroad-track. In the rear of the finishing-shop, and forming a square, are the brass and iron founderies, and annex buildmgs. The brass foundery is of brick, 50 by 75, built expressly for their special work. Their new iron-foundery, just completed, is of brick, 60 by 150, with monitor roof. 2 large Mackenzie furnaces, large core-ovens, cranes, and railroad-track running through the entire length. Joined to the iron-foundery, at right angles, is an annex building, 175 feet long, for engine and boiler rooms, cleaning and tumbling castings, storage of foundery supplies, etc. In the rear of the iron-foundery is a brick building, 150 feet long, for storage of coal, moulding-sand, etc. The company has also just completed a spur-track 2,000 feet long, for the better handling of iron-foundery supplies. All of the above buildings are new, or nearly so, of brick, and have the most approved appliances for fire protection. Their power consists of three large boilers, and two 50-horse-power Corliss engines. Their present force is 160 men, divided among the several departments, under competent mechanics as foremen, who, in turn, are under a skilful mechanic as superintendent.
The various goods manufactured by this company are valves and gates, for steam, water, gas, oil, ammonia, etc., and a large variety of fire-hydrants. Their goods are too widely known to need any description here, or any indorsement as to character. They are to be found in use all over the country, and in parts of Europe. The capacity of the works has been taxed to its utmost for the past 5 years in filling their orders. Their machinery, tools, patterns, and every thing pertaining \o their equipment, are of the best order and most approved design, and the results of large outlays of money, and careful and skilful management.
The Chapman Valve Manufacturing Company was incorporated in 1874, with a capital of $60,000, afterward increased to $100,000, its present capital. The first building was completed in 1874, and all the others have been built within the past four years. The directors are Samuel R. Payson, Percival L. Everett, Harvey D. Parker, and H. S. Hovey (all of Boston), Joseph W. Smith of Andover, C. J. Goodwin of Indian Orchard, and James D. Safford of Springfield. The president is Samuel R. Payson, the treasurer is Percival L. Everett, and the general manager Jason Giles. The general office and works are at Indian Orchard in Springfield; and the treasurer's office is at 72 Kilby Street in Boston.

1885 Ann Arbor Democrat, January 2, 1885, Page 3.
A.H. Howland of Indian Orchard, Mass., was in the city the first of the week in the interest of the firm with which he is connected, looking to the possibility of forming a water works company in this city.

1885 "Chicopee, a new water supply for fire purposes," Springfield Republican, April 24, 1885, Page 6.
George M. Stearns presented the bid and plans of the Chicopee water company, which was given in detail by A.H. Howland of Boston, the civil engineer of the company.

1885 "New Corporations," The Inter Ocean (Chicago, Illinois), July 8, 1885, Page 7.
The Sterling Water Company, of Sterling, Ill., to supply the city of Sterling with water; capital stock $150,000; incorporators, H.F. Dunham, Joseph H. Chamberlain, and H.C. Ward.

1885 The Miami Republican (Paola, Kansas), June 12, 1885, Page 3.
H.F. Dunham of Cleveland, Ohio, was in Paola Wednesday investing our water works outlook, with a view of submitting a proposition.  He was representing H.A. Howland of Boston.

1885 "The Water Works," The Montgomery Advertiser, October 6, 1885, Page 5.
Proposition submitted by Messrs. A. H. Howland & Co.

1885 "An Ordinance," The Montgomery Advertiser, October 9, 1885, Page 3.
Granting to Arthur H. Howland.

1885 Engineering News 14:286 (October 31, 1885)
Weymouth Water Works

1885 "Water We Want," Racine Daily Journal (Racine, Wisconsin), November 12, 1885, Page 3.
D.H. Darling, a banker and capitalist of Boston, and a civil engineer, Mr. A. H. Howland.  Mr. Darling, it appears, furnishes the money for putting in water works and Mr. Howland lays out and superintends the work.  They have constructed water works in many cities throughout the country.

1885 Sterling Standard (Sterling, Illinois), November 12, 1885, Page 8.
The Standard acknowledges a call from Mr. D.H. Darling, of the water-works Company.  In conversation with the gentleman he informs us that the ordinance passed by the council will be accepted by the company, and that preparations for the work will go on at once.  The company's engineers and members of the council have been busy these week locating hydrants.

1885 Springfield Republican, December 11, 1885, Page 6.
A.H. Howland, formerly connected with the Chapman valve-works, has the contract for building city water-works at Montgomery, Ala., Pensacola, Fla., and Sterling, Ill.

1886 Racine Daily Journal (Racine, Wisconsin), March 5, 1886, Page 3.
George H. Pierson, a gentleman who has put in more water works than any more man in the country, arrived in the city last evening.  He is associated with Howland & Co., who are to put works in this city, and Mr. Pierson will mostly likely be here most of the time while the work is in progress.  The gentleman is mourning the loss of a gold watch, valued at $300, which was picked from his pocket at St. Paul a few evenings since, while he was leaving the opera house.

1886 Wisconsin State Journal (Madison, Wisconsin), April 30, 1886, Page 4.
The Racine Water company, with a capital stock of $5,000, has filed articles of association with the secretary of state, the incorporators being J.E. Dodge, F.M. Fish and J.W. Knight.

1886 "The Waterworks," Racine Daily Journal, May 3, 1886, Page 3.
A.H. Howland, of the waterworks company, arrived in the city to-day, and is pushing matters along as fast as possible.  The contract for the pipe was awarded to Dennis Long & Co. of Louisville, Ky., who will commence shipping to Racine as soon as possible.  When four or five miles of pipe arrive work of digging trenches will be commenced.  It will probably be three weeks yet.  The contract for gates and hydrants was given to the Coffin Valve Co., of Boston; the standpipe to Tibbets & Wood of New Jersey.  Proposals for pumping machinery will be opened this afternoon.  Between 80 and 90 men have thus far signed to work.  Messrs. A.B. Turner and A.B. Rawson of Boston, two of the capitalists are also here.

1886 Wisconsin State Journal (Madison, Wisconsin), May 11, 1886, Page 4.
The Racine Water Company filed amended articles, increasing its capital stock from $5,000 to $400,000.
The Wisconsin Construction Company, of Racine, filed articles, the incorporators are E.C. Deane, L.R. Clement and R.C. Carpenter.  The object is to construct water, gas or other works and to operate or sell them, and the capital stock is $3,000. 

1886 "The Water Works," Racine Daily Journal (Racine, Wisconsin), June 4, 1886, Page 3.
Mr. Howland, Mr. H.H. Hall, Mr. G. A. Ellis, Mr. C. W. Paine, Mr. G. A. Ransom.

1886 Weekly Sentinel (Winston-Salem, N.C.), July 8, 1886, Page 9
Durham. A.H. Howland and associates, of Baltimore have entered into a contract with the town of Durham, for the purpose of furnishing a water supply.

1886 Annual report of the mayor and officers of the city of Raleigh, for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1887.
Pages 111-156: Report of Water-Works Committee
Page 123:  List of bidders, August 9, 1886, including A.H. Howland

1886 "The Fun Commences," Racine Daily Journal (Racine, Wisconsin), August 27, 1886, Page 3.
Notice serviced on Hayden W. Hall who was to lay the waterworks pipes in the lake.

1886 "Waterworks Talk," Racine Daily Journal (Racine, Wisconsin), September 7, 1886, Page 3.
Everything to be Finished and Water to Flow before Winter.  Mr. Dillaway, a lawyer residing in Boston, and one of the principle owners of the water works, is at present in the city in conneciotn with the business of the company.  Mr. Howland, however, who originally planned the works, is still retained as consulting engineering.

1886 American Society of Civil Engineers, Constitution, By-Laws and List of Members, September, 1886
Page 36.  Howland, Arthur H., Hydr. Eng., U.S. Hotel, Boston, Mass. Date of Membership: June 2, 1886.

1886 Racine Daily Journal (Racine, Wisconsin), November 26, 1886, Page 3.
George A. Rawson, president of the Racine Water Co., has returned from an extended trip west.

1886 "Water Pipes," by A. H. Howland, Read December 4, 1886, Proceedings of the Engineers' Club of Philadelphia 6(1):55-69. (December, 1886). 

1887 Worcester Daily Spy, February 26, 1887, Page 4.
Mr. A.H. Howland, formerly of this city, is this winter putting in a system of water works for the city of Durham, N.C., for fire protection and domestic and manufacturing uses, and has not contracted to built three miles of street railway in the same place.

1887 "Great Day for Racine," Racine Daily Journal (Racine, Wisconsin), March 10, 1887, Page 3.
Everybody pleased with the results of the waterworks exhibition and test. 
Alluding to Mr. Howland's early connection with the scheme of our water supply, and of the transfer of his interest in the Wisconsin Construction Co. to Messrs. Turner, Clarke & Rawson, of Boston, who have constructed the works.

1887 "Water Pipes," by A. H. Howland, Read at the Engineers Club of Philadelphia, The American Engineer 13:136 (April 20, 1887) | Part 2 | Part 3 | Reprint of 1886 article.

1887 "Racine, Wis.," Engineering News 18:212 (September 17, 1887)
At a meeting of the City Council on Aug. 17, the water works recently constructed by the Racine Water Co. were accepted.

1887 Engineering Record 18:495 (September 24, 1887)
Decatur, Ala.- At a meeting of the council, September 20, the city and the Decatur Land Company entered into a contract with A.H. Howland and George A Ellis, to build works with pumping plant, standpipe, 20 miles of pipe and 200 hydrants.  This contract abrogated that made last spring with Inman Brothers, of New York City, who are held not to have begun work within the specified time.

1887 The Charlotte Democrat, November 11, 1887, Page 3.
Like Charlotte, the city of Durham is having trouble about its Water Works, and the whole concern has been repudiated. The Durham Recorder says:
"Mr A. H. Howland is reaping the reward of his ways. He spent $130,000 in the building of an inadequate system of water work, which has been refused, when $150,000 would have made the system adequate. At a recent meeting of the city council a preamble was introduced in which the essential conditions and requirements of the contract made by the city with Mr Howland were cited, and it appeared that the contract had not been complied with in any particular. The preamble was followed by these resolutions which were adopted: Now, there fore it is Resolved, That the said A. H. Howland, bis associates and assigns, the Durham Water Company, have failed to comply with the provisions of said contract, is annulled by the town of Durham and declared void. It is Resolved, Farther, that A. H. Howland, his associates and assigns, the Durham Water Company, his and their agents and employees are forbidden to dig up, displace or obstructing of the streets, sidewalks, lanes or alleys of the town of Durham.

1887 "Racine Water Works," by George A. Ellis, Member of the Boston Society of Civil Engineers, Read December 21, 1887, Journal of the Association of Engineering Societies 7(4):115-125 (April, 1888)

1887 Water Works, A. H. Howland, Geo. A. Ellis, Engineers.
Includes details of water works in Menimonee, MI; Montgomery, AL; Sterling, IL; Quincy, MA; Framingham, MA; Racine, WI.

1888 The McNeal Pipe and Foundry Company v. A.H. Howland and the Durham Water Company, 99 N.C. 202, February 1, 1888, Supreme Court of North Carolina.

1888 "Eufaula, Ala.," Engineering News 19:216 (March 17, 1888)

1888 "The Late W. C. McClallan," Springfield Republican, September 17, 1888, Page 4.

1888 "Decatur, Ala.," Engineering News 20:358 (November 3, 1888)

1888 Journal of the New England Water Works Association 3(2):99 (December, 1888)
WILLIAM C. McCLALLAN,—Contractor, Boston, Mass. Died September 15th, 1888. Age 60 years, 5 months, 29 days. Joined this Association June 16th, 1886.
Mr. McClallan has been prominently engaged in the building of Engineering Works since 1856, including Water Works at New Haven, Windsor, Chicopee, Quincy, Weymouth, Sharon, Cohasset, S. Framingham and Marblehead. He will be greatly missed by the many members of this Association who have had personal or business relations with him.

1888 "An Ordinance for supplying the village of Marion with water," The Marion Star, November 27, 1888 | Part 2 |
Howland & Ellis, of Boston.

1888 "Water Works Up the Spout," The Boston Daily Globe, December 19, 1888, Page 1.
Maynard Authorities and Howland, the Contractor, Have a Dispute

1889 "Marion, O.," Engineering News 21:59 (January 19, 1889)

1889 "Report of the Investigating Committee Appointed by the Town of Maynard to Investigate the Water Works," The Enterprise (Maynard, Massachusetts), March 3, 1889, Supplement.  From Maynard Historical Society Archives.

1889 The Montgomery Advertiser, April 21, 1889, Page 8.
Decatur's new water works are just completed at a cost of $400,000.

1889 The Montgomery Advertiser, August 21, 1889, Page 6.
Eufaula.  Sale of Waterworks Property to satisfy $700 judgment.

1889 "Water Works at Marion, Ohio," Sterling Daily Gazette (Sterling, Illinois), September 3, 1889, Page 4.

1889 Decatur, Alabama, the "Chicago of the South" : its resources, business, growth, and especially its water works system, by Howland & Ellis.

1890 Sterling Daily Gazette (Sterling, Illinois), March 6, 1890, Page 3.
Howland & Ellis trouble with the Watertown, Dakota water works.

1890 "Temporarily Embarrassed," The Marion Daily Star (Marion, Ohio), Jul 8, 1890, Page 3.
Howard & Ellis refuse to sacrifice their bonds and give in to a temporary suspension of payment of bills.

1890 "No Relief for Decatur," The Tennessean (Nashville, Tennessee), August 20, 1890, Page 7.
Insufficient Water-Works Keeps Up the Rate of Insurance.
Decatur, Ala., Aug. 19.- Mr. Calkens, of Atlanta, has been in the city for several days investigating the efficiency of the new water-works, with a few of lessening the rate of fire insurance.  In an interview Mr. Calkens said that the rate, could not be reduced, owing to the inefficiency of the water-works.  This is a drawback to the prosperity of Decatur, and that, too, in the face of the face that the city has a contract with the water-works company to give us a good system of water-works.

1891 "Got Themselves into Trouble," Boston Journal, July 30, 1891, Page 3.

1891 In the Supreme Court, from Durham County, the McNeal Pipe and Foundry Company vs. A.H. Howland and the Durham Water Company. August 24, 1891.

1892 Arthur H. Howland & another vs. George F. Blake Manufacturing Company, 156 Mass. 543, June 22, 1892, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court
Pages 545-546:  Mr. McClellan sent him to Montgomery, Ala., where he was working for him under a salary, to obtain the franchise to put in water works in that place. Howland took the franchise out in his own name, and returned to Boston, and tried to sell it to McClellan, bis employer. McClellan told him that he guessed he would dispense with his services. The Chapman Valve Company, in whose employ he was, instructed him to get up a book illustrating and describing their works. He did so; got the book copyrighted in his own name, and tried to make them pay him before he would allow them to dispose of the books.

1892 "Two Methods of Obtaining Fire Protection by Direct High Pressure from Water Works Pumps in Combined Pumping and Reservoir or Standpipe Systems," by George A. Ellis, Civil Engineer, Boston, Mass., Journal of the New England Water Works Association 7(1):27-31 (September, 1892)

1892 McNeal Pipe and Foundry Company v. A.H. Howland and the Durham Water Company, 111 N.C. 615, December 22, 1892, Supreme Court of North Carolina.

1893 "Sued for $50,000. Arthur H. Howland Charges the Town of Maynard with Libel," Boston Journal, February 1, 1893, Page 8.

1893 "Costly Investigation," The Boston Daily Globe, February 8, 1893, Page 5.
Maynard Committeemen must pay $250 each. Their report was pronounced damaging to contractor Howland.

1893 "Receivers' sale of the Durham Water Works and Franchises," The Durham Daily Globe, April 12, 1893, Page 1.
Pursuant to the judgment and orders in the case of McNeal Pipe and Foundry Company and A.H. Howland, and the Durham Water Company.

1893 Engineering Record 27:470 (May 13, 1893)
A.H. Howland, M. Am. Soc. C.E., announces that a reorganization of the firm of Howland & Ellis  leaves him free to accept personal engagements in the line of his profession.  The office of the firm has been removed to 95 Milk Street, Boston, Mass., at which place Mr. Howland may be addressed.

1893 Arthur H. Howland vs. Inhabitants of Maynard, 159 Mass. 434, July 14, 1893, Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts
A town is not liable to an action for an alleged libel contained in the report of a committee appointed by the town, which report is, at a regularly called meeting, accepted by the town and voted to be printed and circulated, which printing and circulation are subsequently done.

1893 "$10,004.02 The Verdict," The Daily Advertiser (Montgomery, Alabama), October 19, 1893, Page 7.
Chattanooga Foundry and Pipe Works vs. A. H. Howland.  The suit was against him individually.

1893 "A.H. Howland Mysteriously Missing," The New York Times, December 31, 1893, Page 1.

1894 "Business Troubles," The Boston Daily Globe, January 3, 1894, Page 7.
Howland & Ellis have gone into insolvency.

1894 "A.H. Howland Is Alive," The Boston Daily Globe, February 4, 1894, Page 1. | Part 2 |
Known as A.H. Hathaway and A.H. Hading in New York.

1894 "Howland in Seclusion," The Boston Daily Globe, February 5, 1894, Page 1. | Part 2 |

1894 "Howland Up to Date," The Boston Daily Globe, February 6, 1894, Page 3.
Missing Engineer's Movements Followed by the Globe.

1894 "Relief and Hope," The Boston Daily Globe, February 7, 1894, Page 1. | Part 2 |
For the anxious friends and family of Howland.  Found at last by the Globe, he tells why he fled.

1894 "Never to Return," Boston Sunday Post, February 11, 1894, Page 4.
A.H. Howland not expected in Boston Again.

1894 Arthur H. Howland vs. George Flood. Same vs. Augustus Newton. Same vs. A.D. Holt, 160 Mass. 509, February 27, 1894, Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court

1894 "Libel Verdicts Set Aside," The Boston Daily Globe, February 27, 1894, Page 5.

1894 "More of Howland," Boston Post, February 28, 1894, Page 1.

1895 Facts about Pipe, by Edmund Cogswell Convers, National Tube Works Company
Many references to Howland and McClallan

1896 "Bogus Bonds," The Boston Daily Globe, June 11, 1896, Page 6.

1902 David Henry Darling (1845-1902) grave

1902 "Water Office," The Los Angeles Times, June 8, 1902, Page 34.
A. H. Howland, a civil engineer of Worchester, Mass., has written to president Powers of the Council in regard to the collection of water rates under the municipal ownership of the system.  Mr. Howland asserts that he has built and operated, as a private enterprise, thirty-one different water works in sixteen different states as well as several in Mexico and Central America.

1903 George Albert Ellis (1843-1903) grave.  Brother of Abbie E. Howland

1904 "George A. Ellis Dead," The Montgomery Advertiser, January 1, 1904, Page 9 | part 2 |
He supervised building of the Montgomery Waterworks.

1904 "Memoir of George A. Ellis," Journal of the New England Water Works Association 18(1):105 (March, 1904)

1908 Journal of the New England Water Works Association 22:376 (1908)
George E. Wilde died very suddenly of heart disease at the office of the Metropolitan Water and Sewerage Board, in Boston, on July 17, 1908. Mr. Wilde was born in Duxbury, Mass., January 29, 1850, and received his early education in an academy in that town. At the age of fourteen he began a seafaring life, which was continued for seventeen years, during which time he made voyages to Spain, Italy, India, Philippine Islands, Germany, Australia, England, and China, and rose from cabin boy to the position of first mate. From 1881 to 1884 he was employed as a foreman in the water department of the city of Worcester, Mass., and during the following six years was employed by A. H. Howland in constructing water-works plants in the middle West. In 1890 he became superintendent of one of these plants at Menominee, Mich., and remained there until 1896, when he returned to Massachusetts and connected himself with the Metropolitan Water Works, the construction of which was then beginning. On December 14, 1897, he was appointed assistant superintendent of the Distribution Department, having charge of the pipe lines and reservoirs of the Metropolitan Water Works within the Metropolitan District, which office he held until his death. He was married in 1879 to Angie C. Joyce, of Duxbury, who, with his son and daughter, survives him. He was elected a member of this Association on June 16, 1886.

1909 Charles O L Dillaway (1842-1909) grave

1916 Racine, Belle City of the Lakes, and Racine County, Wisconsin: A Record of Settlement, Organization, Progress and Achievement, Volume 1, by Fanny S. Stone
Pages 154-155. WATERWORKS
On March 12, 1882, J. S. Foster, of Chicago, addressed the Racine City Council on the subject of waterworks. At that time the city had no authority, to put in waterworks along the lines suggested by Mr. Foster's address, and on the 14th a committee of the council, to whom the matter had been referred, recommended legislation that would enable the city to enter into a contract with any company to build a system that would supply the city with water. During the legislative session, in the winter of 1882-83, a special law was enacted giving the city the desired authority, and on May 7, 1883, the council passed an ordinance granting to the Holly Manufacturing Company, of Lockport, New York, a franchise for twenty five years to build, equip and operate a waterworks plant for the purpose of supplying the City of Racine with water, and including the exclusive privilege of laying mains upon the streets of the city.
The Holly Company failed to exercise the privileges granted by the franchise ordinance, and on March 18, 1886, a franchise was granted to the Racine Water Company. This ordinance was approved by Mayor Joseph Miller the next day and was accepted by A. H. Howland, president of the company. The new company went to work immediately upon a plant A pumping station was built on the lake shore just north of the Root River, a stand pipe of steel with a capacity of 330,480 gallons was erected on Tenth Street, and a twenty four inch cast iron pipe was run out 7,240 feet into the lake, where the end was turned up and is encased in a crib. The stand pipe was afterward encased with brick, with a roof of concrete and a castellated top. The daily pumping capacity of the plant is 8,500,000 gallons. The first section of main was laid on July 1, 1886, water was first turned into the mains on January 11, 1887, the water tower was filled on the 27th of the same month, and on February 1, 1887, the first private consumers were supplied.
The franchise granted by the ordinance of March 18, 1886, was for twenty five years. Upon its expiration in 1911 some of the citizens expressed themselves in favor of having the city purchase the plant and give Racine a municipal waterworks, but nothing definite along that line has been done up to this time. It is probable, however, that within a few years the works will be owned by the city.

1923 Arthur Henshaw Howland (1852-1923) grave.  He married Abbie E. Ellis on Oct. 1, 1873 in Ashland, MA. They had no children.

1923 "Arthur H. Howland," Tampa Bay Times, May 1, 1923, Page 10.
Arthur H. Howland, who has been a resident of St. Petersburg for the past six years, died Monday morning at his residence, 605 Pine street, after a long illness.  Howland was a civil engineer, and weather statistician.  He came here six years ago from Worcester, Mass.

1924 William Frederick Ellis (1856-1924) grave.  Brother of George A. Ellis, brother-in-law of Arthur H. Howland.

1933 Herbert Franklin Dunham (1850-1933) grave

2011 Durham County: A History of Durham County, North Carolina, by Jean Bradley Anderson
Pages 157-158:  A. H. Howland; Durham Water Company; Howland also constructed a street railway system

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