Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography

Technology Birdsill Holly Patents

United States Patents Held by Birdsill Holly

Birdsill Holly held 46 U.S. utility patents, 9 re-issued patents, and 1 design patent, which are listed below.  In addition he held about four Canadian patents and some European patents.. Charles Mason was his attorney for several patent applications, and later built a Holly water system in Burlington, Iowa.

Patent Number
Reissue Number Reissue Date
1 U. S. Patent 6,500 June 5, 1849 Pump RE168 May 7, 1850
2 U. S. Patent 8,206 Jul. 8, 1851 Machine for grooving lumber (with Jno. W. Wheeler)

3 U. S. Patent 8,730 Feb. 10, 1852 Railroad Car Brake

4 U. S. Patent 9,094 July 6, 1852 Hand-plane

5 U. S. Patent 11,403 July 25, 1854 Mortising-machine

6 U. S. Patent 12,317 Jan. 23, 1855 Carriage-wheel (with W. Race)

7 U. S. Patent 12,350 Feb. 6, 1855 Rotary Pump

8 U. S. Patent 13,172 July 3, 1855 Water Wheel

9 U. S. Patent 14,239 Feb. 12, 1856 Rotary Steam Engine

10 U. S. Patent 17,820 July 14, 1857 Pump Lift

11 U. S. Patent 20,919 July 13, 1858 Atmospheric Regulator for Stoves, Furnaces, &c.

12 U. S. Patent 27,128 Feb. 14, 1860 Pump Lift

13 U. S. Patent 28,176 May 8, 1860 Improvement in Sewing Machine

D1 U. S. Design Patent D1,256 June 19, 1860 Hand Pump

14 U. S. Patent 29,266 July 24, 1860 Pump Lift

15 U. S. Patent 30,678 Nov. 20, 1860 Hose Coupling Nut

16 U. S. Patent 39,259 July 14, 1863 Improvement in Pumps

17 U. S. Patent 41,508 Feb. 9, 1864 Improvement in Water Wheels

18 U. S. Patent 45,040 Nov. 15, 1864 Pump Lift

19 U. S. Patent 46,107 Jan. 31, 1865 Hot Air Furnace

20 U. S. Patent 50,584 Oct. 24, 1865 Fire Tongs

21 U. S. Patent 53,617 Apr. 3, 1866 Improvement in Steam Generators

22 U. S. Patent 54,905 May 22, 1866 Improvement in Air Compressing Pumps

23 U. S. Patent 64,977 May 21, 1867 Improvement in Turbine Water Wheels

24 U. S. Patent 87,413
Mar. 2, 1869 Improvement for Water-Supply Regulator for Water-Works.  On November 7, 1872, Holly assigned two-thirds of the patent to the Holly Manufacturing Company, and the remaining third January 29, 1881. RE4,085 Aug. 2, 1870
RE4,086 Aug. 2, 1870
RE4,087 Aug.2, 1870
RE5,132 Nov. 5, 1872
25 U. S. Patent 94,746 Sep. 14, 1869 Improvements in Systems of Water-Supply for Cities.  RE4,373 May 9, 1871
RE5,133 Nov. 5, 1872
26 U. S. Patent 94,747 Sep. 14, 1869 Water Pipe Safety Valve

27 U. S. Patent 94,748 Sep. 14, 1869 Improvement in Automatic Regulating Valve RE4,396 May 23, 1871
28 U. S. Patent 94,749 Sep. 14, 1869 Improvement in Hydrants

29 U. S. Patent 113,516 Apr. 11, 1871 Improvement in Filters

30 U. S. Patent 113,517 Apr. 11, 1871 Improvement in Regulating and Safety Valves

31 U. S. Patent 113,668 Apr. 11, 1871 Improvement Surface-Condensers

32 U. S. Patent 114,010 Apr. 25, 1871 Improvement in Variable Cut-Offs for Engines for Water-Works

33 U. S. Patent 114,142 Apr. 25, 1871 Improvement in Combined Heater & Condenser

34 U. S. Patent 114,683 May 9, 1871 Improvement in Pressure-Regulator for Water-Works

35 U. S. Patent 193,085 July 17, 1877 Improvement in Steam Generators for Warming Buildings, &c.

36 U. S. Patent 193,086 July 17, 1877 Apparatus for Utilizing Steam in Heating, &c.

37 U. S. Patent 193,087 July 17, 1877 Improvement in Meter-Valves of Apparatus for Warming Dwellings, &c.

38 U. S. Patent 193,088 July 17, 1877 Improvement in Street Mains or Pipes for Supplying Large Districts with Heat for Warming Buildings RE9,730 May 31, 1881
39 U. S. Patent 232,821 Oct. 5, 1880 Steam heating-radiator

40 U. S. Patent 241,217 May 10, 1881 Meter

41 U. S. Patent 246,952 Sep. 13, 1881 Steam-Pressure Regulator

42 U. S. Patent 260,097 June 27, 1882 Apparatus for Supplying Steam in Cities

43 U. S. Patent 262,670 Aug. 15, 1882 Tunnel for Underground Street Mains

44 U. S. Patent 403,107 May 14, 1889 Vise

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