History of District Heating in the United States

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Individual Building Heating Systems

District heating could not be introduced until heating apparatus had been developed for individual buildings.  These systems included hot air, hot water and steam and were slowly adopted during the 19th Century.

References about Building Heating Systems
1594 The jewell house of art and nature. Conteining divers rare and profitable inventions, together with sundry new experimentes in the art of husbandry, distillation and moulding, by [Sir Hugh Plat]

1739 "Nytt påfund af Drif-bänkar, som undfå sin Wärma af Anga" [A new experiment with hot-beds heated by steam.] by Mårten Triewald, Svenska Vetenskap Academiens Handlingar [Transactions of the Swedish Academy of Sciences] 1:25-35 (July, August, September, 1739).

1794 The Repertory of Arts and Manufactures 1:300-303
"Specification of the Patent granted to Mr. John Hoyle, of the Parish of Halifax, in the county of York, Dyer; for his Method of communicating Heat to Green-Houses, Churches, Dwelling-Houses, and all other buildings," dated July 7, 1791.

1801 The Picture of Petersburg, by Heinrich Friedrich von Storch
Page 50:  The Tauridan Palace.  The heat is maintained by concealed flues practised in the walls and pillars, and even under the earth leaden pipes are conveyed, incessantly filled with boiling water.

1812 Pettibone's economy of fuel; or, Description of his improvements of the rarefying air-stoves, grates, tubes, pipes, cylinders, or open stoves, or common fire places, made of iron, stone, brick, potter's clay, &c. &c. For warming and ventilating hospitals, churches, colleges, courts of justice, dwelling houses, hot or green houses, ovens, drying rooms, gun-powder or other manufactories, bankning-houses [sic], barracks, ships, malt kilns, &c. &c. With or without the application of steam. For which letters of patent have been obtained from the government of the United States of America. Also, an extract from James Sharp's London edition of his improvements on that of Dr. Benjamin Franklin., by Daniel Pettibone

1813 "Letter from Oliver Evans to his son George, May 19, 1813," reprinted in Oliver Evans:  A chronicle of Early American Engineering, by Greville Bathe and Dorothy Bathe (1935)
Page 193:  I have conceived a great improvement in the application of my inexhaustible principle of my Steam engine I warm a factory by Conveying the Steam by light coper pipes through all the appartments so that the Steam condensed to water will run back to the supply pump The air itself will condense the steam with the aid of the pressure of the Steam as the pipe fills and the hotter the supply water is returned to the boiler to be raised the less by the fire say 30° only the less fuel will be required because the difference between the elastic power of Steam in the boiler and condenser will be greater and this difference is the neat power of the engine.
At Patapsco near Baltimore they have a copper pipe run through all their appartments enough to condense for 100 horse power and their boiler to make the steam sufficient for a 20 or 30 horse engine the same fuel that they use would drive the Engine to work their Machinery is not this astonishing that this was not sooner seen in all the 7 years since I first calculated the above table and explained it in a book. This will secure our Steam engine 14 years perhaps longer but Mum.

1814 "An Oliver Evans License of 1814," reprinted in Power 40(11):378-379 (September 15, 1914)
This engine is not more than one fourth the weight of others; is more simple, durable, and cheap, and more suitable for every purpose; especially for propelling boats and land carriages. It requires no more water than the fuel will evaporate in steam, and this steam may be employed to warm the apartments of factories; or the condenser could be used as a still to distil spirits; or a vat or paper making, boiler in a brewery, dye factory, &c. &c.

1828 "Upon the Application of Hot Water in Heating Hot-houses," by Mr. Thomas Tredgold, Read August 5, 1838, Transactions of the Horticultural Society of London 7:568-583 (1830)

1828 "Mr. Atkinson of Grove End Proved to have been the First who successfully applied the mode of heating by hot water to hot-houses," by Thomas Tredgold, The Gardener's Magazine, and Register of Rural and Domestic Improvement 3:427-432 (March 1828)
Page 430:  It is probable, also, that the circulation of hot water in the conservatory of the Palace of Taurida, mentioned by Storch, in his Description of St. Petersburgh, as having been in use in the time of Prince Potemkin was effected by some French engineer who had seen the invention of M. Bonnemain.

1831 "Review of Upon the Application of Hot Water in Heating Hot-houses by Mr. Thomas Tredgold," The Gardener's Magazine and Register of Rural & Domestic Improvement 7:177-187 (April 1831)
It is an undeniable fact that the first discoverer was Bonnemain

1831 "Extract of a letter from Col. Thomas H. Perkins," New England Farmer 10:156 (November 30, 1831)
Description of a hot water heating apparatus for his hothouse.

1832 "Perkin's Apparatus for Heating Air," Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania 10:45-49 (July 1832)

1836 Principles of Warming and Ventilating Public Buildings, Dwelling Houses, Manufactories, Hospitals, Hot-houses, Conservatories, &c: And of Constructing Fire-places, Boilers, Steam-apparatus, Grates, and Drying-rooms; with Remarks on the Nature of Heat and Light, &c. &c. &c, by Thomas Tredgold, Third Edition

1837 A practical treatise on warming buildings by hot water; and an inquiry into the laws of radiant and conducted heat.  To which are added remarks on ventilation, and on the various methods of distributing artifical heat, and their effects on animal and vegetable physiology, by Charles Hood

1837 A Popular Treatise on the Warming and Ventilating of Buildings, by Charles James Richardson | Second Edition (1839) |

1837 On the comparative merits of the various systems of warming buildings by means of hot water, by W. Walker (of the Firm of Turner and Walker, Dublin.)

1840 A. M. Perkins's improved patent apparatus for warming and ventilating buildings, by Angier March Perkins

1841 Report on Perkins's System of Warming Buildings by hot water, by John Davies
Report on fires caused by the high temperatures of the Perkins apparatus.

1841 "On Warming Buildings by Hot Water," The Annals of Electricity Magnetism and Chemistry and Guardian of Experimental Science 6:475-499 (March 1841)

1841 Joseph Paxton's greenhouse at Chatsworth, known as the "Great Stove," was warmed with a hot water system with eight subterranean boilers.

Joseph Paxton's Great Stove at Chatsworth Plan of the Great Stove Heating System

1841 “A Description of the Eastern Penitentiary, of the State of Pennsylvania, designed and executed by John Haviland, Esq., Architect,” by T.U. Walter, Journal of the Franklin Institute 3rd ser. 2:118-120 (August 1841)
Page 119:  The whole prison is warmed on Perkin's plan of hot water circulation through iron pipes, and those who have the management of the institution seem to be satisfied that the plan is a good one for such an establishment.

1845 On the History and Art of Warming and Ventilating Rooms and Buildings, Volume 1, by Robert Stuart [Meikleham] | Volume 2 |

1846 A Novel Heating Installation - The Pulsial System - as installed at the New Premises of W.H. Smith & Son, Kingsway, London, by A.M. Perkins and Son Ltd.

1851 Walworth, Nason & Guild's Catalogue of Wrought Iron Pipes and Iron and Brass Fixtures for steam, gas, water, &c
Page 3:  Walworth, Nason & Guild are the originators of the plan of warming buildings, heating, drying, &c., by steam,
through the means of wrought iron pipes.
Pages 41-45: Warming by Steam
The exhaust steam from an engine can be applied efficiently for warmng by this method; a simple device having been contrived to prevent the exhaust from backing upon the engine.

1853 The Crystal Palace was rebuilt at Sydenham and designed to be opened year-round, which required a heating system, which was modeled after the one in the Great Stove.

Aerial view of the Crystal Palace in 1936

1854 Guice to the Crystal Palace and Park by Samuel Phillips
Pages 30-32:  Hot Water Apparatus
The building was dismantled and reassembled in Sydenham with a new heating system with eleven pairs of boilers placed twenty-four feet underground.

1855 Descriptive notice of the steam heating apparatus, by Stephen J. Gold

1858 Gold's patent steam heating apparatus : for warming private residences, stores, churches, hospitals, public buildings, green houses, graperies, &c., by Massachusetts Steam Heating Company.

1859 "Heating Apparatus," The Baltimore Sun, December 16, 1859, Page 2.
The Annapolis Gazette states that Messrs. Hayward, Bartlett & Co., of Baltimore, have completed the heating apparatus for the State House, and it is now is successful operation. The heating agent is hot water; and the effect Is really surprising. Even the large and lofty rotunda--the coldest place this side of Canada--is as comfortably warm as the chilliest mortal can desire.

1859 The New-York Steam Heating Company, proprietors of Gold's patent low pressure self-regulating steam heating apparatus    

1860 "The New Government Building," Chicago Tribune, August 4, 1860, Page 1.
Hot water heating apparatus is being put in under contract with Hayward, Bartlett & Co., of Baltimore.

1862 "The New United States Court-House," The Baltimore Sun, May 17, 1862, Page 1.
The whole structure will be heated by the hot water apparatus of Hayward, Bartlett & Co.

1893 "The Early Days of Steam Heating," by James J. Walworth and A.C. Walworth, The Engineering Record 28:46 (June 17, 1893) | Part 2: 28:64 (June 24, 1893) |

1895 "A Short Talk on the Construction of Hot Water Radiators," Heating and Ventilation 5:3 (February 1, 1895)

1911 "Retrospective," by Edward P. Bates, Domestic Engineering 57:226-229 (December 2, 1911)
History of Walworth & Nason.

1913 "The Development and Application of the Steam Trap," by William H. Odell, Steam 11:68-70 (March 1913)

1945 Walworth 1842-1942   

1960 The Beginnings of a Century of Steam and Hot Water Heating by the H.B. Smith Company, by Susan Reid Stifler

1961 The Works of Joseph Paxton, 1803-1865, by George F. Chadwick
Pages 94-95:  The first operation on the site was that of levelling and excavation for the foundations and for the heating chamber beneath the structure, and for the access tunnel beneath the cascade, for it was a matter of principle with Paxton that the service aspects of the building should be entirely invisible and the conservatory present the same aspect to the gardens on all four sides; even the boiler flue was taken, underground, up the hillside for some distance into the woods to an isolated chimney-stack for this reason, a procedure that would result also in increased draught for the furnaces; both flue and stack still survive.
Page 97:  The heating of the conservatory was effected by no less than eight boilers beneath the building, feeding seven miles of four-inch iron pipe running in corridors high enough for a man to walk upright in them. The fuel for the boilers was also stored underground, and fed to the furnaces by a small tramway.
Page 148:  As with many of Paxton’s building some of the most interesting features were hidden from normal view, but not thereby lacking in importance. Ventilation had been important for the Great Exhibition, and to this was now added the need for heating. This Paxton patterned on his successful experiments in low-pressure hot water heating at Chatsworth. An access roadway ran through the basement storey of the building, and here no less than twenty-two boilers were arranged in pairs, each holding 11,000 gallons of water; one extra boiler was added at the north end for a display of tropical plants, two in the lower storeys in each wing, and two small ones for the fountain basins at each end of the building containing Victoria regias and other tropical aquatics. Four pipes of 9 in. diameter were attached to each boiler, two flow and two return, and each boiler heated a certain transverse section of the Crystal Palace: the length of one flow and return was a mile and three-quarters, and the total length of heating pipes of all kinds was nearly fifty miles. The control of this intricate system was said to be by an unspecified new device invented by Paxton and Henderson.

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