Documentary History of American Water-works

Introduction Historical Background Chronology Geography Biography Technology Ownership and Financing General Bibliography
New England States Massachusetts Nantucket

Nantucket, Massachusetts

Nantucket is an island about 30 miles by ferry south from Cape Cod and was incorporated as a town in 1671.

A demonstration water system was built in 1878 that resulted in the incorporation of the Wannacomet Water Company in 1880.  The system built by the company used a steam engine pumping to an elevated tank.

The town of Nantucket bought the Wannacomet Water Company in 1988.

Water is provided by the Wannacomet Water Company, which is is an Enterprise Fund of the Town of Nantucket.

1880 An act to incorporate the Wannacomet Water Company.  February 19, 1880.

1882 Nantucket, from Engineering News 9:67  (February 25, 1882)

1882 Nantucket, from "The Water-Supply of Certain Cities and Towns of the United States," by Walter G. Elliot, C. E., Ph. D.

1888 "Nantucket," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 1.

1890 "Nantucket," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 2.

1891 "Nantucket," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 3.

1897 "Nantucket," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 4.

1963 An act authorizing the town of Nantucket to supply iself and its inhabitants with water.  May 27, 1963.

© 2018 Morris A. Pierce