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New England States | Massachusetts | Weymouth |
Weymouth was founded in 1622 as “Wessagusset” and was renamed Weymouth in 1635.
Local resident Micah Richmond built an aqueduct around 1821 using lead pipes, and in 1825 he, Abraham Thayer, and Ezra Leach obtained a charter for the Weymouth Aqueduct Company, "for the purpose of maintaining and extending an aqueduct they have already constructed." This system operated until about 1855.
The town of Weymouth was
authorized to construct water works in 1881, which were built and
operating by the end of 1885.
The Town of Weymouth currently owns the water system.
1825 An Act to establish the Weymouth Aqueduct
Corporation, February 24, 1825.
1881 An act to supply the town of Weymouth with pure water. April 6, 1881. Accepted by the town, November 26, 1883.
1883 An act to incorporate the East Weymouth Water Company. May 3, 1883.
1884 Historical sketch of the town of Weymouth,
Massachusetts, from 1622-1884, by Gilbert Nash
Page 91: "Water Question. — The last important business found upon
the town records is upon the question of supplying the town with water
from Great Pond. Many and urgent had been the calls demanding this or some
other means by which the inhabitants and the rapidly growing necessities
of the town should be furnished with an ample supply of water. Efforts
were put forward to that end, and a charter was obtained from the
Legislature of 1882-3, of sufficient powers to cover the undertaking. On
the 18th of September, 1883, a town meeting was called, at which it was
voted, by a large majority, to accept the Water Act, and on the 25th of
the same month a board of water commissioners was chosen, and instructed
to cause to be made thorough surveys and estimates of all work and costs
proposed by the Act, and to make a report of the same at a special meeting
to be called for the purpose. This, one of the most important enterprises
ever undertaken by the town, has not reached its present stage without
violent opposition. The unfortunate situation of the town in respect to
its various villages, with their often conflicting interests, and the
jealousies occasioned thereby, has shown itself in this matter, as in
nearly every important movement that has ever been proposed, and its
success, however much it may be desired, is notyet assured. (The final
action assuring it has since been taken, and the work is in progress.)
1885 An act to ratify and confirm the proceedings of the town of Weymouth in relation to procuring a supply of water for said town. May 12, 1885.
1885 Engineering
News 14:286 (October 31, 1885)
The Weymouth. Mass.. water-works are completed and ready for service. The
water is obtained from the Great Pond. The pumping-station is supplied
with a Blake Compound Duplex Engine. The standpipe is of boiler plate, and
stands on a masonry foundation: it is 40 feet diameter. 76 feet high. with
acapacity of 750,000 gallons. There is a high and a low service which can
be connected in cases of emergency. This will give a head of 250 feet in
the lower villages. There are over 33 miles of pipe, varying from 6 inches
to 20 inches diameter. Mr. M. M. Tidd. Boston. was the engineer: Mr. W. C.
McClallan. Chicopee. the contractor. The pipes were supplied by A. H.
McNeal, Burlington. N. Y.: the gates and hydrants by the Chapman Valve
Co.. Indian Orchard. Mass. and the standpipe by the Cunningham Iron Works.
1888 "Weymouth," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 1.
1890 "Weymouth," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 2.
1891 "Weymouth," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 3.
1897 "Weymouth," from Manual of American Water Works, Volume 4.
1907 Weymouth Ways and Weymouth People:
Reminiscences, by Edmund Soper Hunt
Page 92: Mr. Ezra Leach did all the plumbing for the village. At
this time pumps were replacing the well-sweep and the windlass in the
wells, and the lead pipe used came in short lengths of twelve feet, which
had to be soldered together. Mr. Leach did this, and as I remember, seldom
made a tight joint, from the crude methods he used. He also leathered the
boxes, and when the pump at home was out of order I was always sent for
Mr. Leach. He then lived on the "turnpike" (Washington street), just above
the old Academy.
1918 History
of Norfolk County, Massachusetts, 1622-1918, Volume 1, by
Louis Atwood Cook
Page 295-296: WATERWORKS
For several years prior to 1880, the question of utilizing the waters of
Great Pond as a supply for the town had been discussed in private
conversations and in town meetings, but nothing was accomplished until
April 6, 1881, when the Legislature passed an act authorizing the town to
use the waters of the pond for extinguishing fires, domestic purposes, lay
mains, set hydrants, etc., when the act was accepted by a two-thirds vote
of the town.
Two years passed and the act had not been accepted by the voters. On May
3, 1883, Peter W. French, Leavitt Bates, Zachariah L. Bicknell, John P.
Lovell, Nathan D. Canterbury, Marshall C. Dizer, Joseph Totman and their
associates and successors were incorporated as the East Weymouth Water
Company, "for the purpose of furnishing the inhabitants of the Town of
Weymouth with water from Weymouth Great Pond and the waters which flow
into it," and to connect with the pipes of the Hingham Water Company at
the boundary line. The Town of Weymouth was given the power to purchase
the franchise and property of the company at any time during the life of
its charter.
The passage of this act served as a stimulus to the people of Weymouth to
accept the provisions of the act of 1881, which was done at a special town
meeting called for the purpose on September 18, 1883. The vote in favor of
acceptance was 356 to 114. At an adjourned meeting on the 25th Josiah
Reed, Augustus J. Richards and Henry A. Nash were elected water
commissioners. In the meantime the waters of Great Pond had been subjected
to an analysis and the meeting voted an appropriation of $1,000 to employ
an engineer to make survey and submit plans for a system of waterworks.
Oran White and Thomas H. Humphrey were added to the board of water
The board employed M. M. Tidd to examine the waters of Great Pond and make
plans for the waterworks. He reported a plan including thirty-seven miles
of mains, with the Great Pond as the source of supply, and estimated the
cost of such a plant as contemplated at $296,000. At the annual meeting on
March 3, 1884, it was voted to issue bonds to the amount of $300,000, the
vote on the question being 529 to 231.
On May 12, 1885, the act incorporating the East Weymouth Water Company was
repealed, because it came in conflict with the act of April 6, 1881, which
granted to the town the right to use the waters of Great Pond to supply
the inhabitants of the town.
In the construction of the works a pumping station was built at South
Weymouth to lift the water from Great Pond to a reservoir, also at South
Weymouth, whence it is supplied to the town by gravity. The pumping
machinery was installed by the George F. Blake Manufacturing Company and
the Deane Steam Pump Works, each having a daily capacity of 1,500,000
gallons. The reservoir has a capacity of 700,000 gallons. At the close of
the year 1916 the system embraced 76.55 miles of mains, 453 hydrants, with
1,940 meters in use. The total number of gallons pumped during the year
was 141,126,790. According to the statement of the town accountant, the
cost of the plant to December 31, 1916, was $600,339.35.
1923 "History of the Weymouth Water Works," by Fred O. Stevens, from History of Weymouth, Massachusetts, Volume I.
© 2016 Morris A. Pierce